Page 13 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 13

The National Association of Realtors   increase is 5%. This data reflects the   Association projects an increase in
            (NAR) Economic Outlook for August   national price increase trend and is not   mortgages for purchase of homes to
            2021 shows that nationally there was a   necessarily indicative of the Eastern   increase 7% to 8% through 2023 and the

            9.1% increase in real estate prices in 2020   Shore of Maryland and Delaware. Some   number of refinances to decline 60% in
            and 14.1% price increase is forecasted for   housing price points have seen increases   2022 into 2023 as 30-year interest rates
            2021, then price increases drop to 4.4%   greater than this data indicates.   begin a slow climb toward 4% in 2022.

            in 2022. In addition, the Federal Housing                            So, refinance now while rates are lower.
            Finance Authority data as reported by   What I believe is the most signifi cant
            the Mortgage Bankers Association   take away from this data is that prices   With this being said, what, if anything,
            in November shows price increases   are not projected to go down in the   should you do to determine if what
            peaking at 17.4% in the fourth quarter   next two years supporting my belief   they are willing to pay for a property
            of 2021, which is right now, and then   that prices are going to reach a sustained   is considered reasonable.? How can a

            dropping to 4.7% in 2022. Th ey further   plateau. This is further supported with   motivated buyer be assured that they
            project price increase to hover around   the imbalance of supply and demand.   are not being taken to the cleaners and
            5% until 2024. This is encouraging news   Too much demand for too little supply   paying too much for a house?

            from two organizations with a lot of skin   will continue to be an issue well into   Buyers who need financing to purchase

            in the game.                       2022 and possibly longer.         their home have some protections in
                                               If interest rates remain favorable   that the third party to the transaction
            Please note that this data represents the
                                               and below 4%, I believe buyers will   (lender) will require an appraisal of the
            percentage increase in values year over
                                               continue to purchase, especially if rents   property that will be used to justify the
            year, so that a $100,000 house price will
                                               are so high and there is a shortage of   price being paid.
            increase by $5,000 if the percentage

                                               quality rentals. The Mortgage Bankers
                                  Annual Customer Appreciation Month at                    Clothing  •  Jewelry
                            Alpacas of Pinney Valley Store                                   Socks  •  Throws


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                                  Please call for store hours or to visit the farm.
                    The alpacas and I wish everyone a safe and very Merry Holiday Season!
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