Page 8 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 8

The Connection Between                         Tara and her team are promoting the great Christmas-themed
                                                                events happening in our Towns, and the specialized shopping
                 Economic Development                           that many of the nonprofit organizations and businesses

                          and Tourism                           provide. Tara points out that the State, County, and local parks
                                                                are gathering spots for folks who live here and those that travel
                          By Debbie Bowden, Director            here (I applaud those hardy folks who take to the river and the
                   Caroline County Economic Development         trails on the cold winter days). In typical Caroline County style,
                                                                visitors feel welcome wherever they travel to in the County and
                            Partnerships are key to any successful   with whoever they meet along the way.
                            organization. I’m happy to have a great
                                                                If you and your family are looking for a memory-making
                            partnership with the Offi  ce of Tourism
                                                                event, or if you have folks in from out of town that need to
                            and its Executive Director Tara Coursey.
                                                                have something to do, check out And if you
                            The connection between economic
                                                                are a business that caters to visitors, please reach out to me so
                            development and tourism can be
                                                                that we learn about your operation.
                            complicated, but it boils down to two
            things – supporting the businesses that cater to visitors and   I wish everyone a joyous holiday and a great start to 2022!
            letting outside decision makers know about Caroline County’s   Thank you for all that you do for Caroline County.

            quality of life.
                                                                For updates on any future business support, please visit
            Visitors to Caroline County provide economic activity that, sign up for our newsletter, and follow
            supports shops and farms and restaurants and outdoor spaces.   Caroline County Economic Development on Facebook.
            Through Tara’s leadership, there has been greater exposure to

            people inside and outside of the County that drive in for the   Caroline County Economic Development is a department within

            day, enjoy what we have to offer, spend their money, and then   Caroline County government. Its mission is to help businesses
            continue their travels or go back home. During the fall, great   thrive in the community. Debbie can be reached at 410-479-4188
            festivals and events helped to support start-ups and established   or
            businesses, and that economic churn is expected to keep
            happening for the holiday season.

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