Page 4 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 4

            06    Making Moves and                                              Do you need
                  Spreading Joy
            22    Spend it in Caroline County!                       POOL  WATER
            32    That’s What Living is to Me

            NEED TO KNOW                                                   to get your summer
            03    Critical Repairs Caroline
            08    Caroline County to Host                                       fun started?
                   2nd Economic Symposium
            14    Federalsburg Meetings
                  and Resolutions                  We can fill your new  or existing pool!
            31    401K Door Opens for
                  Small Businesses
            40    Rabies Clinics
            IN EVERY ISSUE                         No matter the size of your pool,
            07    Events at Martinak                  we can get you filled up!
                  and Tuckahoe State Parks
                                                   Murphy Transport Inc.
            10    Dollars &  Sense: If it Sounds
                  to Good to be True, It Probably is!  410-634-2300
            16    Deed Transfers
                                                                                       421 W Belle Road,  PO Box 6,
            20    Caroline Arts Council                                                   Ridgely, MD 21660
            21    Denton Rotary
            24    Library Corner
            26    Caroline Chamber
                  of Commerce
                                                  Caroline County’s Information Magazine Since 1980
            30    Bird Club
            30    Tide Table                                         PUBLISHED MONTHLY
            36    Health Corner                                PUBLISHER - LORETTA B. WARFIELD
            39    Caroline CASA                             Contributors:  Carolyn Al-Ghusbi, Debbie Bowden,
            42    Recreation and Parks          Tara Hill-Coursey, Heather Grove, Amy Horne, Leigh Marquess, Mary Moran,
                                                       Tolbert Rowe, Tracey Snyder, Crystal Terhune, Rich Warfi eld
            44    Community Calendar
            48    Skills for Life: Tools, Tips &             May Issue Deadline is April 15
                  resources to help you live well!
                                                         Please email or fax all ad information by the above date.
            50    Lions Clubs of Caroline
                                                                 Proofs will be sent the following week.
            28    Fiber Arts
                                                             ALL ARTICLES MUST BE SENT VIA EMAIL.
            52    Building Permits
            54    Senior Spot
                                                                   Current and back issues can be viewed
            60    Deaths                                             online at
            61    Directory
            62    Word Puzzle                                       410-443-5922  •   Fax: 1-866-311-7598

                                                                        201 Kerr Ave, Denton, MD 21629

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                                                               without permission from the publisher.
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