Page 8 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 8

Findings of                      and local level. We will have panelists   I hope you can join us. For more
                                               discussing the state of banking,   information and to register, visit
                Latest Eastern                 providing innovative ideas on hiring

               Shore  Business                 and keeping workers, presenting on two   FYI – Help us get the word out about
                                               school-based workforce development
             Sentiment Survey                  programs, and perhaps discussion   the available commercial and industrial
                                               about housing for workers. There is   space in Caroline County. If you have a
                                                                                 supplier or customer that is looking for
                                               no charge for the Symposium, but
               By Debbie Bowden, Director,                                       a great place to do business, please have
                                               registration is required.
                Caroline County Economic                                         them reach out to me.

                 Development and Tourism       This Symposium is a chance for you to   Caroline County Economic Development
                                               get information and insight into how
                              Caroline County   industries are coping with the pressures   and Tourism is an offi  ce within Caroline
                              E c on om i c    of the labor market and inflation. It will   County government. For updates on

                              Development      also be an opportunity to network with   any future business support, please visit
                              is host ing      business leaders from the Mid-shore, sign up for our
                              t h e s e co nd   region. The first Symposium was in   newsletter, and follow Caroline County
                              E c on om i c    June, and it was well attended and a   Economic Development on Facebook.
                              Symposium on     successful event.
                              April 6, 8:30
                                               We are hosting the Symposium with
            a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at North Caroline
                                               the support of great partners: Caroline
            High School. The keynote speaker is
            economist Anirban Basu, Sage Policy   County Public Schools, Tri-Gas & Oil,
            Group, who will present on the state   Provident State Bank, and Choptank
            of the economy at a global, national,

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