Page 6 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 6

Making Moves and
                 Spreading Joy

                      aroline County native
                      Wayne “Ty” Reese has
                      been making moves and
                      spreading joy with his
           CUncle Grandpa charac-
            ter busting out all over the country.
            He recently won Live with Kelly and
            Ryan’s Virtual Dance Trivia contest
            and has racked up over four million
            views on Tik-Tok.  All that while work-
            ing towards his Master of Social Work
            degree and raising five (soon to be six)

            children makes this local guy a pretty
            interesting dude!                  basically a message to the Baltimore   more than 326,000 followers, with one

                                               Club Culture that dancing has no age   particular video that was filmed in the
            A 1997 graduate of North Caroline   limit.”, says Reese. “At that point in time,   Denver airport that has been viewed
            High, Wayne enlisted in the Army two
                                               I was the oldest active dancer on the   more than four million times. And now
            months after graduation and served our

                                               scene, so everyone started referring to   he can add “Live with Kelly and Ryan
            country until his honorable discharge
                                               me as Uncle Ty which, in the beginning,   Virtual Dancer of the Year” to his list
            in 2008. Throughout his CCPS career   I didn't like because it felt like an insult   of accomplishments! In October 2022,

            at Denton Elementary, Lockerman
                                               but after consideration, I realized it just   at the suggestion of his classmate Amy

            Middle School and North Caroline
                                               meant I was respected”.           Horne, Reese submitted a clip to the
            High and into his Army years, Wayne
                                                                                 show. He didn’t win for the week he
            developed a reputation as a cut-up,   He quickly learned how much he was   entered so he forgot about it. In late
            frequently being called the “class clown”.     respected by the other dancers, espe-
            He developed a love for entertaining   cially around competition time. Reese   January, the show’s producers called
            and in 2014, developed a character   first came on the Baltimore club scene   to let him know he’d won and would

            named Uncle Grandpa.  “Th e reason   in 2011 when he started frequenting   be appearing live on the show for an
                                                                                 interview, where the hosts of the show
            behind the origin of Uncle Grandpa was   The Paradox on Friday nights. One of

                                                                                 congratulated him and told him he’d
                                               the DJ’s noticed him and encouraged

                                                                                 won a $2,500 gift  certificate to Barnes
                                               him to enter a competition called “King
                                                                                 & Noble.
                                               of the Chamber”. “I was defi nitely older
                                               than all the others but I wasn’t gonna   There’s no stopping him now! Since
                                               let that stop me!”, said Reese. “I felt like   the Live with Kelly and Ryan show,
                                               I needed to let everyone know not to   Wayne has appeared on WBOC News,
                                               sleep on me just because I was much   Delmarva Life, Fox 45, WJZ TV, and
                                               older than the majority of the danc-  97.5. This May, Reese will gradu-
               Trophies  •  Plaques            ers”, he added. He ended up coming   ate from Salisbury University with
             Acrylics  •  Medallions           in second place in that competition,   a master’s degree in social work. He
                                               earning him the title “Prince of the   hopes to combine his love of entertain-
                   Call us about your          Chamber” and a spot in the King of   ing and bringing joy to others with his
                    project or event
                                               Baltimore Dance Competition. Reese   skills as a social worker and helping
                Recognize Excellence           competed in four KOB competitions   others to succeed in life and feel better
                Reward Achievement             and it was at his fourth one in 2014 that   about themselves. You can fi nd him on
                                               Uncle Grandpa hit the stage for the fi rst   Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
              5 to7 day turn around time
              All work done on premises        time. “Not only did I send a powerful   and Twitter – and you might even spot
                                               message that night of the competition,   him breaking out into dance right here
                                               but I gave birth to something I had no   in Caroline County. Just look for the
                     410-479-8330              idea how EPIC it would become thanks   gray beard, the cane, and the energy
                   Fax: 410-479-8442           to social media”, he added.       that won’t quit!
                 Hours: 10-5 Mon. - Fri.       Uncle Grandpa made his debut in 2014
                    and hasn’t looked back. He now has
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