Page 54 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 54
Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia into law. This law included a provision
living at home. Find out if you qualify directing the state Medicaid agencies
for this virtual MEMORI Corps research (Department of Social Services) to
Spot Medicine. This research study is off ering beginning April 1,2023 for current
restart eligibility redeterminations
Senior study at the Johns Hopkins School of
Medicaid recipients. It’s important to
Free Virtual companionship and
personalized activities to people living note that this ends the continuation
at home with dementia. The goal is to of coverage provisions that have been
Senior Moments
test whether these kinds of services can in place during the Public Health
by Mary Moran
improve health and well-being. You can Emergency (PHE) resulting from the
Happy Spring! March proved to be get involved and join the study in one of Covid- 19 Pandemic.
colorful with daff odils, forsythia, and two ways. Healthy volunteers 55 years In other words, now that the pandemic
many trees budding, so now Caroline is and older can participate as Companion is over, Social Services will begin
ready for the leaves to unfurl! Here’s a Guides, and people diagnosed with re-determining who qualifies and who
friendly reminder to stretch those winter dementia and their family caregiver doesn’t for Medicaid. Know that even if
stiff gardening muscles before tackling living at home can join. Call 410-550- you have received a new card or letter
spring cleanup! Stretching before (and 6744 or visit MEMORI Corps online to dated before the end of March stating
after!) using the back, legs, and arms learn more.
that your coverage will continue, the
to prepare the body helps prevent
During the Public Health Emergency card and letter were most likely sent out
muscle strain injury. Listen to your
(PHE), individuals who would normally on Public Health Emergency autopilot.
body while enthusiastically raking and
be terminated from Medicaid due to Do not assume that your coverage will
pulling out winter debris! Pace yourself
turning 65, or timed out of disability continue. The Appropriations act gives
and remember to use proper body
coverage, stayed on Medicaid during the the DSS 12 months to sort through
mechanics, cushions for kneeling, and if
PHE. This is because under the Families this, but don’t play Russian Roulette
possible, avoid repetitive movements. It
First Coronavirus Response Act of 2021, and assume they won’t get to you fi rst.
is hard to avoid repetition when pulling
the federal government directed the state Be prepared that your coverage may be
weeds and rolling up chickweed, but
Medicaid programs to stop terminations terminated due to changes in household
fighting through the pain will turn a
for Medicaid enrollees during the income, changes in the number of
small problem into a big one, so if your
emergency. Therefore, the continuous people in your household, assets, or
body is telling you to stop, listen! It’s not
enrollment provision included those other factors.
a race, so set small goals to start, take
on disability who would normally have
short, frequent breaks, drink plenty of Please note that if you are 64 or under
timed out of Medicaid after 24 months,
water to stay hydrated, and enjoy the and have been on Medicaid but are not
and those who would normally lose
warmer temps! on Medicare, if that termination letter
Medicaid due to turning 65.
comes, contact the Health Connection
On another note, this may prove to be
Fast forward to December 29,2022, for health care options at 410-479-8004.
an interesting opportunity for caregivers
when the Maryland Consolidated
who care for someone diagnosed with During the Covid pandemic, those
Appropriations Act of 2023 was signed
turning 65 who would normally lose
TURNING 65? coverage, remained on Medicaid due
to PHE. Therefore, because federal
law prohibits the sale of supplemental
Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options? policies to Medicaid recipients, folks
Let Me Help You! turning 65 were not able to purchase
supplemental plans during the PHE
using their age based “Guaranteed Issue
Anthony Insurance Services Rights”. FYI, Guaranteed Issue is also
called the “Medigap Protections Period”.
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copays that Medicare does not pay.
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hospital stay is $1,660 per benefi t period
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