Page 58 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 58
Parkinson’s first develop the disease at important hallmark of Parkinson’s of our bodies with healthy eating and
about age 60, about 5 to 10 percent of disease. including daily physical activity, eye
people with Parkinson’s have “early- health is just as important because they
onset” disease, which begins before Treatment of Parkinson’s disease help us stay alert. Have you had your
the age of 50. Early-onset forms of Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s annual eye exam recently? Remember
Parkinson’s are often, but not always, disease, medicines, surgical treatment, to protect your eyes with sunglasses
inherited, and some forms have been and other therapies can often relieve while enjoying this spring weather! Also
linked to specific gene mutations. some symptoms. wear protective eyewear when you are
For more information about Parkinson’s working in the garden!
Parkinson’s disease has four main
disease, contact: Federalsburg Senior Center
National Institute of Neurological
• Tremor (trembling) in hands, Tuesdays and Th ursdays 9–10
Disorders and Stroke, 800-352-9424
arms, legs, jaw, or head Continental Breakfast
• Stiffness of the limbs and trunk Tuesdays, 10-11 AM, Health
• Slowness of movement Coaching (Tyrell James)
Michael J. Fox Foundation for
• Impaired balance and Parkinson’s Research, 800-708-7644 Tuesday, April 11, 10 AM, Blood
coordination, sometimes Pressure Reading and Individual Med
leading to falls
Consultation (Melanie Chappell)
Parkinson’s Foundation
Other symptoms may include depression 800-473-4636, Tuesdays, 11-Noon,
and other emotional changes; diffi culty Exercise (Tyrell James)
swallowing, chewing, and speaking;
urinary problems or constipation; skin American Parkinson’s Disease Th ursdays, Bingo at 11 AM
problems; and sleep disruptions. Association, 800-223-2732 Thursday, April 13, Everybody’s
Symptoms of Parkinson’s and the rate of Birthday Party (Pot Luck
progression differ among individuals. Denton Senior Center April Luncheon) Easter Celebration
Sometimes people dismiss early Activities & Announcements
symptoms of Parkinson’s as the eff ects Tuesdays and Thursdays, variety of
of normal aging. In most cases, there are April 7 at 10 AM – Come join the fun craft s
no medical tests to definitively detect the and find the Golden Egg for a prize at
disease, so it can be diffi cult to diagnose our Easter Egg Hunt! Center is open on Tuesdays and
accurately. Thursdays from 9 to 3.
April 4 at 10 AM – Fun crafts such as
Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease a DIY Easter Bunny Craft and Picture
A number of disorders can cause Frame Art.
symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s
April 18 at 10 AM – Springtime Bingo
disease. People with Parkinson’s-like
with spring themed prizes!
symptoms that result from other causes
are sometimes said to have parkinsonism.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 AM –Our
While these disorders initially may be
book of the month club is enjoying Matt
misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s, certain
Haig’s novel “The Midnight Library”.
medical tests, as well as response to drug
Come participate in the discussion. CRAFT/VENDOR
treatment, may help to distinguish them
from Parkinson’s. Since many other Tuesday, April 11 continues our SHOW
diseases have similar features but require Dutch Lunch Out with a trip to the
diff erent treatments, it is important to Federalsburg Family Restaurant. We Come out to support your
make an exact diagnosis as soon as leave the Center at 10:30.
possible. local crafters and vendors!
Wednesdays at 12:30 and Thursdays
There are currently no blood or at 12:45 - For spring we welcome back Saturday, April 8 • 10-3
laboratory tests to diagnose non-genetic Tyrell James with SAIL Enhance Fitness! Federalsburg VFW Hall
cases of Parkinson’s disease. Diagnosis is Call Brandy or Gerri at 410-479-2535 for
based on a person’s medical history and a more information. Food will be available
neurological examination. Improvement
after initiating medication is another April is National Women’s Eye Health
and Safety month! Just as we take care