Page 55 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 55
hospital admittance, with no limit on how many periods
charged per year) and all plans, except the A medigap, cover
that deductible. All Gap plans cover the part “B” 20% that the SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC
beneficiary is responsible for. However, Gap plans do not pay Marti Wright • Owner
the annual, one time per year, part B deductible. You do. For
2023 that deductible is $226. So, generally, your out-of-pocket Independent Insurance Broker
costs will include the “B” deductible, the monthly “B” premium,
and the monthly supplemental premium. (Only the “G” pays Over 25 Years Experience with
the 15% charged by doctors who are no longer accepting Medicare Supplement Insurance
Medicare Assignment.) These are age attained, meaning the Phone: (410) 443-1169
price goes up annually. I’m sharing this information to clarify
the beneficiary’s out of pocket costs with Medicare and to Email:
emphasize the financial importance of having these plans in
place. will close the door to Supplemental Insurance for many folks
after that 63 day Guaranteed Issue window ends. As soon as
Moving along, during the PHE, many individuals remained you receive the notice that your Medicaid is ending, contact a
covered by Medicaid for more than six months from their reputable broker who can give you accurate information and
effective date of being enrolled in Medicare part “A” & “B”. get you the best starting price on your plan. You really must pay
(Th e effective date is generally the 1st day of your 65th birthday attention to your mail for this to work for you. Remember that
month.) Normally, it is only during the three months before your eligibility is based on your official date of termination. Th e
your birthday month, the month of your birthday, and the three clock begins when you receive the dated letter of termination,
months following your birthday that this “Guaranteed Issue” so keep the letter and the dated envelope! Know that the
Period is in eff ect. Guarantee Issue, or Medigap Protections agent/ insurance company will require evidence of the date
Period, means that by law, insurance companies cannot ask you of termination or dis-enrollment with your application for
any medical questions (also known as medical underwriting) coverage. They will want a copy of that notification letter before
that would allow them to charge you more or deny you you get a policy. Not providing the letter or notice will void the
coverage based on your health or health history. Simply put, Guaranteed Issue opportunity and you will go through Medical
Insurance companies and their agents are required to sell you Underwriting. Therefore, when that letter of termination
a Medigap policy without using medical underwriting during arrives, make a copy of it, then call a trusted insurance broker
your Guaranteed Issue. or Mary Moran for more information and assistance.
Since during this period they cannot even ask you how tall you Special reminder to those under 65 who are on Disability:
are, they must cover all your current and pre-existing health Remember that normally you are only Medicaid eligible for
conditions. Additionally, they can’t charge you more for the 24 months from the time your disability starts, even if it is
Medigap policy purchased during this protected period due to awarded retroactively! The date of Application for Disability
past or present health problems. If you are 65, the plan they sell starts the clock ticking. Normally, when 24 month is over, you
you must have the same premium for all those turning 65. Aft er are required to join Medicare and your Medicaid stops. Unless
the Guaranteed Issue period is over, medical underwriting is you qualify for QMB, you would have to buy the A medigap
permitted, you may be turned down, and the premium can policy and go through Medical Underwriting to buy your
increase based on your age when you first buy the plan. supplemental policy. The Maryland Insurance Administration
has confirmed that this 63 days also applies to those under 65
So, here’s the good news. The Maryland Legislature voted
who stayed on Medicaid past their 24 month period due to the
to protect Maryland consumers by passing House Bill
Covid Public Health Emergency. Normally those coming off of
536, Chapter 495 of the Acts of 2022. This bill ensures that
Disability related Medicaid do not qualify for Guaranteed Issue!
Medicare eligible individuals, who were covered by Medicaid
This is a once in a lifetime chance for affordable Gap insurance
during the pandemic, will have a 63-day period to enroll in
for those under 65 receiving Disability and losing Medicaid.
a Medicare Supplement Policy without having to go through
Do not wait for the end of that 63 days! Keep your eyes on the
Medical Underwriting! This is huge, folks, that you have the
mail for the termination letter so you can take advantage of
opportunity to have a 63 day Guaranteed Issue Period to buy a
this remarkable opportunity for medical underwriting free
Medigap Supplemental Policy without going through Medical
enrollment into your medigap policy!
Underwriting! It is true that you do not have the full seven
months, but understand that beneficiaries had extended full For those who do not qualify for QMB or SLMB, you will have
Medicaid coverage instead. Although you may only have 63 your part B premium taken out of your Social Security or
days to do this from your termination date, you will have all Railroad check, (B is $164.90 this year) and the premium for the
the protections of Guaranteed Issue! Medigap Insurance plan you choose for your supplemental plan
will be automatically deducted monthly from your checking
Please remember that this law being passed is unique. You will or savings account. For those who qualify for SLMB and will
not have another opportunity to do this. Medical Underwriting have their part “B” premium paid through the state, look at