Page 42 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 42

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11              com. Complimentary juice and coff ee.     Dinner for  $8 or $12. Entertainment
            CASA Breakfast Information Session at   Door prizes.                 with Alan Cheezum on Guitar from 7-11
            7;30 AM at the Denton Diner in Denton   FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12          PM. Info 410-479-2708.
            Plaza, with guest speaker Th e Honorable
                                               Friday Night Dinner at Denton     SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14
            J. Owen Wise. Space is limited. Please
                                               American Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion   First Annual Family and Friends
            reserve yours by calling Amy at 410-479-
                                               Road from  5-7 PM. Fish and/or Shrimp   Day! We are inviting you to bring all
            8301 or email casacaroline100@gmail.
                                                                                 of your family and friends to church
                                                                                 at 3pm where we are Free at 3! The
                             St. Benedict/St Elizabeth Church presents their
                                                                                 Elder Reverend Frank Gibbs from New
                                              52nd Annual                        Dimensions Milford Campus will be
                             Christmas Bazaar                                    bringing the Word. Join us at Eternal Life
                                                                                 Ministries at 807 Market Street, Denton.
                                                                                 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15
                                 Friday, November 12    •  5 PM - 8 PM           Preston Historical Society will hold
                                Saturday, November 13  •  8 AM - 2 PM            its monthly membership meeting at
                              St. Benedict Church Parish Hall                    7 PM at the Preston Historical Society
                                408 Central Ave., Ridgely                        Museum, 167 Main Street, Preston.
                                    Parish Hall  •  408 Central Ave., Ridgely
                                                                                 Guest speaker will be Keith Shaffer
                                                                                 who will give a presentation on the
                                                                                 murder of Sallie Dean. The public is
                                                                                 invited to attend.  For more information
                                                                                 call 410-943-1891 or visit www.
                                      Variety of Vendors                         TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16
                      Find unique Christmas gifts for family and friends.        The Community Club will hold its
                                 Delicious Homemade Dinner                       monthly membership meeting at
                                                                                 Noon, at the Lions Club Community
                                   $15 per person in advance.
                                                                                 Building, 114 Williamson Street, Preston.
                             Two seatings: 5-6:30 pm and 6:30-8 pm

                                                                                 This meeting is the group’s annual food
                           Menu: Choice of 2 main dishes: Chicken Marsala
                FRIDAY  (breaded chicken breast with Marsala Wine, Capers, and Mushrooms   freezing for the holidays is auctioned off
                                                                                 auction, food items suitable for storing/
                      served over Angel Hair Pasta) OR Lasagna with beef or pork,
                                                                                 at the meeting. New members always
                      homemade tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella & ricotta cheese.
                        Both meals served with salad, garlic bread, dessert and   welcomed.  For more information
                                                                                 call 410-673-1119 or visit Facebook
                       beverages. Purchase tickets after Masses or contact the
                                                                                 at “Community Club of Preston,
                      Parish office at 410-634-2253 or
                    to purchase tickets. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR
                                                                                 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18
                                                                                 2021 Thanksgiving Food Boxes
                          Variety of Vendors  •  Children’s Activities           Giveaway  at  Aaron’s Place, 401
                                                                                 Aldersgate Drive, Denton at 11 am.
                          Visit from St. Nick  •  Fresh Vegetable Sale           Sponsored by Living Waters Assembly.
                 SATURDAY  Pulled Pork, Chicken Salad, Hot Dogs, MD Crab Soup,   FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19
                                    Silent Auction  •  Raffles
                      Delicious Homemade Food: Breakfast Sandwiches
                                                                                 Friday Night Dinner  at Denton
                             Homemade Soups and Sandwiches
                                                                                 Amercan Legion Post #29, 9238
                        Chicken Vegetable Soup, Italian Wedding Soup
                                                                                 serving a menu to be determined for
                             Variety of Homemade Baked Goods                     Legion Road from 5-7PM. SAL will be
                                                                                 $8. Entertainment with Linda Webb,
                                                                                 Karaoke from 7-11 PM. Info 410-479-
               Join us for Christmas Shopping Close to                           2708.
                  Home! SHOP SMALL - Support local                               SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20
                                                                                 The Caroline County Republican
                         businesses and craftspeople                             Women will meet at 10 am at the home
                                                                                 of Lynn Faulstick, 11039 River Road,

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