Page 43 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 43

Ridgely. The guest speaker will be Terry
            Lord, Clerk of Court. Light refreshments   Town of Greensboro presents
            will be available. All are welcome!
            SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21
            Sunday Breakfast at Denton American    Whoville Village
            Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion Road.
            from 8-11 AM.  Cost is $9. Info 410-479-
            Turkey Shoot at Denton American              Holiday Park
            Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion Road at 1
            PM. Info. 410-479-2708.
            WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24                                                                More
            Please join us at Eternal Life Ministries
            at 6:30 PM for our Th anksgiving Eve
            Concert featuring the DL Hines Mass                                             New Location
            Choir.  Come and be blessed! We are
                                                                                             More Fun!
            located at 807 Market Street, Denton.
            FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26
            No Friday Nite Dinner at Denton          &ʈʆɾ ɺʇɽ ɾʇʃʈʒ ʍʁɾ &ʁʋʂʌʍʆɺʌ ʅʂʀʁʍʌ ɺʍ
            American Legion Post #29 as we are all   :ʁʈʏʂʅʅɾ 9ʂʅʅɺʀɾ ɾʏɾʋʒ )ʋʂɽɺʒ ɺʇɽ 6ɺʍʎʋɽɺʒ
            eating turkey left overs!
                                                                'ɾɼɾʆɻɾʋ       ‡      30
            SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27                         *ʋɾɾʇʌɻʈʋʈ 5ʈɺɽ  ‡  *ʋɾɾʇʌɻʈʋʈ  0'
            Think BIG Shop Small! Come out to

            support your local small businesses on
            Small Business Saturday from 10 to 3
            at the Federalsburg VFW Hall. Contact         Photos with
   with any                                       1HZ /RFDWLRQ
                                                           Santa at
                                                                                *URXQGV EHKLQG
            questions.                                   Santa Village          *UHHQVERUR 9RO
            SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28                          Hot Cocoa and            )LUH &RPSDQ\

            The DL Ministries Mass Choir will be         Cookies Station       &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU
            singing at the Festival of Trees at the
            historic Tidewater Inn in downtown
            Easton. We will be singing from 6 pm
            to 6:30 PM. Please come and support
            the fund raising event for Talbot County
            SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4
            Preston Historical Society will hold
            its Eighth Annual Christmas Open
            House at its museum located at 167
            Main Street in Preston. Hours are 10
            AM to 2 PM. Santa Claus will be present.
            This is the final day the museum will                            Samaritan House
            be open in 2021. For more information                               THRIFT SHOP
            call 410-943-1891 or visit www.
                                             Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM
                                                                                      Sat. 9 AM - noon
                                                                             Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post Office

                                                       SERVING THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT
                                                           Sponsored by United Concerned Christians

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