Page 44 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 44

November Tide Table
                               Caroline County
                                                                          Predictions for Tuckahoe
                                    Bird Club                             (See below for other factors)

                                                                              Daylight Savings Time
            Come join the Caroline County Bird Club - The oldest Eastern

            Shore Chapter of The Maryland Ornithological Society!

            Maryland Ornithological Society (MOS) is a nonprofi t, statewide   Date     AM                             PM
            organization of people who are interested in birds and nature. It
            was founded in 1945 and incorporated in 1956 to promote the   1  5:27  Hi        12:02 Lo    6:02 Hi
            study and enjoyment of birds. MOS promotes knowledge about our   2  12:30 Lo  6:22  Hi  12:53 Lo  7:01 Hi
            natural resources and fosters its appreciation and conservation.   3   1:27 Lo   7:15 Hi   1:43  Lo   7:57  Hi

            The Society also maintains a system of sanctuaries to encourage   4   2:23 Lo   8:07 Hi   2:32  Lo   8:51  Hi
            the conservation of birds and bird habitat, and to help record and
                                                                5    3:16 Lo     8:57 Hi     3:20  Lo    9:43  Hi
            publish observations of bird life.
                                                                6    4:07 Lo     9:46 Hi     4:09  Lo    10:33  Hi
            Please note: We have moved our meeting nights at Caroline
                                                                                        Eastern Standard Time Begins

            County Public Library to the first Wednesday of the month!
                                                                7    3:57 Lo     9:35 Hi     3:58  Lo    10:23  Hi
            Recognizing that we are not through the COVID-19
                                                                8    4:47  Lo    10:24 Hi    4:48  Lo    11:12 Hi
            pandemic yet, we are following the County’s and Library’s
            current mandate that everyone wear face masks when in the   9  5:36  Lo  11:15 Hi  5:39  Lo
            Library.                                            10   12:01 Hi    6:26  Lo    12:07 Hi    6:32 Lo
            Wednesday, November 3: Program.  Maren Gimpel, Field   11  12:51 Hi  7:17  Lo    1:03  Hi    7:27 Lo
            Ecologist & Outreach Coordinator, and Meghan McHenry,   12  1:42  Hi  8:08  Lo   2:03  Hi    8:23 Lo
            Glass Testing Technician of Foreman’s Branch Bird   13   2:35  Hi    9:00  Lo    3:06  Hi    9:20 Lo
            Observatory, Center for Environment & Society, Washington
                                                                14   3:30  Hi    9:51  Lo    4:09  Hi    10:17 Lo
            College will present  “Birds and Glass-researching the   15  4:25  Hi  10:42 Lo  5:09  Hi    11:13 Lo

            ramifications of window strikes in rehabilitated birds.” 7:30
            PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.  16  5:19  Hi  11:32 Lo  6:03  Hi
                                                                17   12:08 Lo    6:10  Hi    12:22 Lo    6:53 Hi
            Saturday, November 6: Bird Walk. North County Regional
                                                                18   1:01  Lo    6:58  Hi    1:10  Lo    7:40 Hi
            Park. Meet at parking area near woods at 8 am. Leaders:
            Debby Bennett and friends.                          19   1:51  Lo    7:44  Hi    1:56  Lo    8:23 Hi
                                                                20   2:38  Lo    8:27  Hi    2:41  Lo    9:05 Hi
            Saturday, December 18: Christmas Bird Count. Coordinator:
            Contact Steve Westre at      21   3:24  Lo    9:08  Hi    3:25  Lo    9:45 Hi
                                                                22   4:09  Lo    9:48  Hi    4:09  Lo    10:24 Hi
            All activities are free and open to the public.
                                                                23   4:54  Lo    10:27 Hi    4:53  Lo    11:04 Hi
            Check out more Caroline County Bird Club information at:
    And don’t forget   24  5:39  Lo  11:07 Hi  5:39  Lo  11:44 Hi
            to visit our Facebook page and Like us!  Just go to Caroline   25  6:25  Lo  11:50 Hi  6:27  Lo
            County Bird Club!                                   26   12:25 Hi    7:12  Lo    12:38 Hi    7:18 Lo
                                                                27   1:10  Hi    8:00  Lo    1:32  Hi    8:12 Lo
                     “ Ì AÀŠ˜€Ì ˆØÀYˆÌyÌ ØÀΊ˜€Ì,kœ«‘k»
                                                                28   1:58  Hi    8:49  Lo    2:32  Hi    9:08 Lo
            Calvary Baptist Church                              29   2:50  Hi    9:38  Lo    3:35  Hi    10:06 Lo

                    Don Reynolds, Pastor                        30   3:45  Hi    10:28 Lo    4:38  Hi    11:05 Lo
             1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404
             10:15 AM Adult Sunday School (led by Dr. Jensen)       Add or subtract hours and/or minutes as indicated:
                     Teen Class (12-18 yrs.)
             11:00 AM Exciting Praise and Worship...with Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)
                     Worship continues inside our sanctuary or outside               AM                   PM
                     in your auto, listening over your radio.   Greensboro    Add        :25   Add         :43
                     11 AM worship is also live-streamed on Facebook and recorded on   Choptank     Subtract  3:06   Subtract     2:23
                     our website
                       COUNTING ON CHRIST IN 2021               Denton        Subtract     :40   Subtract       :03
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