Page 38 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 38

Caroline           According to a recent study by Child   Health First Aid course through www.

                                               Mind Institute, a whopping 70% of both After the challenges
                              CASA             children and adults reported some degree   of the last few years, we all must work
                                               of mental health discomfort since the   together to help and support children
                           Court Appointed
                                               pandemic, with twice as many children   and youth in both their physical and
                           Special Advocate
                                               experiencing feelings of depression as   mental well-being, because children’s
                                               compared to adults. During Children’s   mental health MATTERS!
                   Children’s Mental           Mental Health Matters Month, our goal   The Governor’s Office of Crime Control &
                    Health Matters             is to equip adults with resources and   Prevention funded this project under sub-award
                                               an improved understanding of mental   number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063.
            In April, we raised awareness about
                                               health needs in order to change the   All points of view in this document are those of
            children’s physical well-being by talking
                                               trajectory of children’s lives and have a   the author and do not necessarily represent the
            about child abuse and its prevention.                                official position of any State or Federal Agency. Th is

                                               Caroline County in which all kids grow
            The blue and silver pinwheels that                                   project is supported by a grant from the Maryland
                                               and thrive in happy homes.
            were “planted” around the community                                  Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts
            show Caroline County’s commitment   All children experience periods of anger,   number AOC-G20CA0225I.
            to keeping kids safe from abuse and   frustration, and sadness. Those are
            harm. Now, in the month of May, we   normal feelings. Yet for some children,
            turn to their mental health, which is just   everyday stresses can be overwhelming   Celebrating
            as important as children’s physical safety.     to the point of interfering with daily   th
                                                                                            our 8
                                               life such as diffi  culty eating, sleeping,
            CASA of Caroline is proud to partner
                                               studying, or interacting with others.
            again with Caroline County Public                                              Season!
                                               It is important for parents to note the
            Schools to promote the Children’s
                                               frequency, duration, and intensity of
            Mental Health Matters campaign during
                                               these behaviors to determine if the child
            the month of May. Mental health, also
                                               needs mental health treatment. But the
            referred to as emotional or behavioral
                                               bottom line is, you know your child.
            health, is as vital to a child’s general
                                               Trust your gut. If you think there is a
            health and well-being as their physical
                                               problem, talk to your pediatrician or
            growth and milestones. It impacts how
                                               family doctor. If you are past that point
            they interact with other kids, how they                                  River Run
                                               and in a crisis situation, contact the
            manage change and stress, and how they
                                               Mid-Shore Mobile Crisis Team at 1-888-
            handle life situations as they grow. Sadly,
                                               407-8018 or dial 2-1-1 and press 1. For
            the Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe                                      Cruises
                                               additional resources, please visit www.
            negative impact on everyone’s mental
            health, and especially children.                             
                                               consider registering for a Youth Mental
                                   Marydel Lions Club                                Season starts May 22 and
                                                                                        runs through  Oct. 31.
                                                                                       Bookings have already
                                                                                      started so call today to
                                                                                       hold your special date.
                                                                                      View us on our website
                                                                                       or call 410-924-0303.
                                                                                           Book Now for
                                                                                     Fathers’ Day

                         Saturday, May 14  •  9:30 AM -  Noon
                                    State Line Gas, Marydel, MD
                                                                                        10282 River Landing,
                               WORLD FAMOUS           Dinner includes a ½ BBQ            Denton, MD 21629
                                                      Chicken, Baked Beans,
                               Funnel Cakes           Apple Sauce,   Dinner Roll,
                               $3 Each
                               $3                     and Soda or water.             Birthday  •  Work Retreats
                                                                                      VIP Events  •  Retirement
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