Page 40 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 40

Marriage                   Brittany Christine Lazear, 29,    Dawn K. Heck, 44, Greenwood, DE
                                               Newark, DE and Callen Joseph      and William L Warren, Jr., 50, same
                     Licenses                  Hecker, 29, Loveland, CO
                                                                                 Miranda Lynn Crutchley, 27,
            Kely Mercedes Vasquez, 23,         Paula Elisa Modregon Morales, 20,   Federalsburg and Gregory Allan
            Greensboro and Rogelio Set         Millingron and Efrin DeJesus Bravo    Geaman, 30, same
            Godinez, 28, same                  Santizo, 38, Marydel
                                                                                 Sabrina Elizabeth Sniadach, 23,
            Samantha Marie Neary, 31, Glen     Brenda Lee Austin, 50, Preston, and   Goldsboro and Robert  Alan Vick,
            Burnie, and Andrew Steven          Roy Michael Bradley, Jr., 44, same  25, same
            Chapman, 35, same

            Gladis Veronica Perez Velasquez,
            26, Marydel, and Alexander Neptaly
            Chilel Funes, 25, same
            Christina Noel Roberts, 27,
                                                   The same strength
            Federalsburg, and Ryan Edwards
            Roberts, 28, same                      that helps you

            Latoya Shanee Reese, 35, Easton, and
                                                   through recovery

            Craig Gregory Lee Thomas, 45, same
            Natalee Nicole Moran, 22,              can help you
            Greensboro and Nicholas Stephen
                                                   quit smoking.
            Reynolds, 27, same
                                                   You can stop smoking.
            Samantha Maureen Sauquillo, 23,        We can help you succeed.
            Ridgely and Nicholas Perry Whitley,
            27, same
            Alaia Ellen Jones, 29, Toddville, and
            Sky Chandler, 29, Denton
            Mary Lanora Yewell, 59, Preston and
            James Kristopher Sewell, 47, same

            Gayle Marie Galbraith, 56, Preston
            and Stanley John Nowak, 57, same
            Meagan Elizabeth Bromley, 32,
            Hurlock, and Dylan Matthew Tyler,
            31, same

            Emily Nicole Ware, 22, Denton and
            Jaron Anais Seth, 25, same
            Dawn Marie Gardner, 45, Preston,
            and Christopher John Szuba, 31,
            Donna Mischelle Lewis, 51,
            Federalsburg, and David Lilburn
            Lee, 33, same
            Lisa  Ann Wrinkle, 53, Marydel, and
            Donald Lee Blunt, 54, same
            Sara Elizabeth Th omas, 25,           Paid for by: MDH/CRFP
            Greensboro and Bradley Tyler
            Osborne, 26, Ridgely
                                                  Text “READY” to 200-400.
            Angelique Celeste Call, 47,           It’s free. It’s confidential. It works.
            Greensboro and Rudi Robert Merkel
            Jr., 50, same
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