Page 43 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 43

Caroline Health Department Announces                               the travel party must be fully vacci-
                                                                                 nated at the time of entry, including
                      Disney Vacation Sweepstakes                                having received booster shots if eligible.
                                                                                 Households are limited to one entry
            The Caroline County Health Depart-     per and Genie+)
                                                                                 each and proof of vaccine status, Caro-
            ment has announced a Disney Vaca-
                                                •  One Memory Maker product,     line County residency, and household
            tion Sweepstakes to help encourage
                                                   which includes unlimited Disney   relationship will be required for winners.
            COVID-19 vaccines for children. Fully
                                                   Photopass® photos             Children under age 5 are not eligible
            vaccinated Caroline County, Maryland                                 for the sweepstakes, but may travel at

            families can enter to win a six-night,   •  A $1,500 Disney gift card for   the parent’s expense. See the Official
            five-day Walt Disney World trip over   food
                                                                                 Sweepstakes Rules for details.

            spring break 2023. The sweepstakes is   •  A $50 Disney gift card for each

            made possible by a generous grant from   child in the travel party for   “While COVID-19 is less severe in
            the Caroline Foundation, a non-profi t   souvenirs                   children, they are still at risk of seri-
            organization that provides medical and                               ous complications – especially if they
                                               The sweepstakes is open from April 20,

            health-related services to the residents                             have an underlying health condition like
                                               2022 to November 13, 2022. Caroline
            of Caroline County.                                                  asthma,” Cahall said. “Additionally, they
                                               County Health Officer Robin Cahall said

                                                                                 can easily spread the virus to older and

            The sweepstakes prize is a Disney vaca-  that the long timeframe for the contest   more vulnerable adults. That’s why we

            tion for up to two adults and four children   gives parents lots of time to discuss
                                                                                 were so thrilled to receive this funding
            (ages 5 – 18) from the same household,   vaccination directly with their child’s   from the Caroline Foundation to use
            including:                         pediatrician and make an informed
                                                                                 specifically for youth vaccine incentives.”

              •  Round-trip airfare from Balti-  decision. “We wanted to have some-
                more to Orlando                thing to really motivate parents to have   Visit to
                                               those conversations with their child’s   enter and to review the Offi  cial Sweep-
              •  Private transportation to and
                                               doctor,” Cahall stated. “And what’s more   stakes Rules for full details on who is
                from the airports
                                               motivating for families than a free trip   eligible to enter, prize information, and
              •  Six nights in an on-site moderate   to Disney World?”           other terms and conditions.
                Disney resort

                                               The sweepstakes is open only to Caro-
              •  Five-day Disney World Th eme   line County, Maryland residents from
                Park tickets (including Parkhop-  the same household. All members of
                       New Creations in Christ
                       10092 Newbridge Road, Denton, MD
                        Bike, Car, &
                        Truck Show

                  SUNDAY, JUNE 5  •  10 - 3

                       Trophies given for Best of Show,
                        Most Original and Fan Favorite

                       Music  •  Vendors  •  Games
                          Food Available for Purchase

                      Questions: Please call CathyBowrey at
                 410-829-7020 or          Rain date
                                                                        June 12
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