Page 47 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 47
How to protect your skin from the developing skin cancer and help you COVID-19 Vaccines continue to be
sun: enjoy a happy, sunburn-free summer! available to all adults and children over
age five who live or work in Caroline
• Avoid direct sun when it is Th e Caroline County Health
strongest, 10 am-4 pm. Department Wellness Programs, County.
• Encourage your children to play funded in part through the Maryland Tips to Help a Friend or Family
in the shade. Cigarette Restitution Fund, provide skin Member Quit Smoking or Vaping
cancer education to the community.
• Wear protective clothing such
If you have questions related to skin By Heather Grove, BSN, RN
as a wide-brimmed hat, long
cancer education or are interested in
sleeve shirt and UV protection
learning about our cancer screening Cigarettes and most vapes contain
programs (Breast and Cervical Cancer, nicotine. Nicotine is very addictive.
• Use 30 SPF UVA/UVB Colorectal Cancer, and Oral Cancer), Even when someone knows the
sunscreen. Keep an extra small and our Tobacco Cessation/Prevention dangers it is very hard for them to
bottle in your car, purse and kids Programs, call our offi ce at 410-479- quit smoking or vaping. Th eir brain
backpack. 8080. and body can physically and mentally
• Avoid tanning beds. crave nicotine. Without it, they will feel
Drive-up COVID-19 Testing pretty lousy, experiencing symptoms of
• Check your skin thoroughly once withdrawal. They may have symptoms
a month. Th e Caroline County Health like mood swings, feelings of anger
Department continues to off er drive-
Get to know your skin and your or frustration, anxiety, and/or have
up COVID-19 testing at Th e Covid
own pattern of moles, freckles and trouble concentrating.
Center, Denton Plaza, Suite 8, next to
birthmarks. Have someone else check
Verizon. You may be wondering how you can
your back and scalp, places that may
help your mom, brother, or best friend
be hard for you to see. Call your Appointments are required. Go to quit smoking or vaping. Quitting is
doctor if you find any new or changing to schedule or call a choice, but having a good support
skin growths. Taking these steps will 410-479-5880. system can make a big diff erence when
significantly reduce your chances of
your loved one is ready to try to quit.
Quality Health Care
for the Entire Family
Six Locations to Serve You
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