Page 51 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 51
Aviary Tours: At Tuckahoe State Park Adkins Arboretum admission is free for knitters and crocheters will help you
on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Caroline County residents, thanks to a learn the ropes. Please bring your own
Aviary Tours will be held from 3-4:30 grant from the Caroline Foundation! chair. Fiber artists will meet on the patio.
PM. Learn about birds of prey, why they Art and Crafts In case of inclement weather, plan on
are at the aviary, and how the rangers Yarning at the Arboretum: Bring meeting in the Visitor’s Center gallery.
care for them. Park at the park offi ce. Call 410-634-2847 to register.
your yarn projects for an afternoon
Native Plant Swap: On Wednesday, May of camaraderie and encouragement Guided Sculpture Walk: Whenever
4, at 6-8 PM at the Martinak State Park on Wednesday, May 18 at 2:00 PM. they are in the Arboretum’s forest, envi-
Nature Center bring a few extra native Beginners are welcome. Experienced ronmental artists Howard and Mary
plants from your garden to swap with
others. Learn from others about the care
of the plant and benefi ts. Refreshments
will be served. For more information
and to register for this free program, call
410-924-1529 or email: karen.gianni-
Bridges of Hope Community Garden:
The YMCA of the Chesapeake is look-
ing for volunteers to start and maintain
a community garden at the Memorial Tennis instruction for ages 7-18
Park in Greensboro. Call Angel Perez at years old and all skill levels!
410-479-3060 for more information and Enjoy friendly team competition while having fun
an application. You must be a resident learning about the game of tennis. Practices will
of Greensboro. Seeds and tools will be include skill drills, instructor lead games, and match
provided. play. Locations include Martin Sutton Memorial Park
Walks and Hikes in RIdgely, and Preston Park at 124 Noble Ave.
Senior Walk: Meet at the Martinak State For adult tennis call Blair.
Park Office at 10:30 AM on Tuesdays and
Thursdays for a guided walk on a paved ADVANCED TENNIS SUMMER CAMP
trail. Walks are approximately 1.5 miles CLINICS: July 9 through July 30
in length or about 3,000 steps and plenty Middle school and older. Wednesday and Saturdays
of benches are available for resting and Participants must be able to
enjoying nature. $69 for the entire camp
consistently return hit balls *RIDGELY and PRESTON locations
First Saturday Guided Walk: Discover into the opposing court. Wednesday’s
native habitats as you walk at Adkins Wednesday Nights 6:30 - 8 PM 7-11 yr. olds 6-7 PM;
Arboretum on May 7 at 10 AM. in Denton, 4th St. Courts 12-18 yr olds 7-8 PM
Registration is required. Call 410-634- Saturday’s
2847. Session 1: June 1-July 13
Session 2: July 20-August 31 7-11 yr. olds 9-10 AM
Explore Your Parks: Meet on Friday, 12-18 yr. olds 10-11 AM
May 13, at the Tuckahoe State Park $45 per 6 week session
Cherry Lane Parking Area, at 9 AM, for
a guided hike. The hike will be approxi- Contact Blair Carmean at 410-310-9185 or
mately three miles. Explore the plant
diversity along the way. It’s a great way
to get exercise and meet new people! Th e Register at
trail will be flat through the woods and /141/Recreation-Parks.
the return will be on the road.
Adkins Arboretum Stroll: On Tuesdays,
beginning at 11:00 AM in May go for a
guided stroll! Take a walk at your own
pace along our easily navigable paths
while enjoying conversation with fellow
nature enthusiasts. Call 410-634-2847
for more information and to register.