Page 52 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 52

McCoy are on the lookout for places   must have a helmet.  Lights, water, spare   mately 10 mph, and there will be a leader
            that might inspire them to make art. For   tube, and tools are also suggested. For   in the front and a sweeper in the back.
            more than 20 years, these artists have   more information and to register, call   This is a good ride for those new to road

            been making art in the woods, using   410-924-7402.                  cycling.

            the materials they find there. Inspired   Easy Breezy Ride: Borrow bikes from   Guided Paddles: Guided kayak and
            by nature’s own creativity, they alter   the Martinak State Park Nature Center   canoe trips will be offered on Memorial

            or augment the trees, vines or fallen   on Wednesdays, May 18 and 25, at 6 PM   Day weekend. The Martinak State Park

            branches they find there, creating sculp-  and Thursdays in May at 11:30 AM for   paddle is on Saturday May 28, at 10 AM.

            tures that are so close to nature that they   an easy guided ride through the park   Tuckahoe State Park paddlers will leave
            will make you do a double take. Join the   and nearby low traffi  c roads.   from the lake beach on Sunday, May 29,
            McCoy’s on a guided sculpture walk                                   at 10 AM. Please call the park offi  ce at
            on Saturday, May 14, from 2- 4 PM at   Pedal Power: Cycle ten miles on coun-  410-820-1668 for more information and
            Adkins Arboretum.                  try roads near the parks. Meet at the
                                               Martinak State Park Offi  ce on Tuesday   to register.
            Yoga, Dance and Exercise           May 17 and 31, at 6 PM and on Tuesday   Check our website for more park
            Morning Stretch: Meet at Martinak   May 24, at the Tuckahoe State Park Lake   activities by clicking on the calendar of
            State Park Amphitheater on Tuesday   Parking Lot at 6 PM. Helmet required.   events
            Mornings starting on May 17, and   Lights, water, spare tube, and tools are   doit-md/?&ql=y&search=y  For more
            Thursday mornings starting on May   also suggested. Ride speed is approxi-  information call 410-820-1668 or email
            5, at 8 AM to improve your fl exibility,                   
            core development, and balance through
            exercises and yoga. Please bring a yoga   Sponsor the Flowers/Downtown Denton
            mat or towel. Inclement weather, meet
            in the Nature Center.
                                                  Includes recognition on plaque with business name or family name
            Sunset Stretch: Meet at Martinak State
                                                         or donate in honor or in memory of a special person.
            Park Amphitheater on Wednesday May
                                                             Gold: $75    |     Silver: $50     |     Bronze: $25
            18 and 25, at 7 PM to improve your
            flexibility through stretching exercises,

            yoga, and meditation. Please bring a
            yoga mat or towel. Inclement weather,
            meet in the Nature Center.

            Cardio Fusion: On Thursdays at 9 AM
                                                                                Mail checks and completed
            get in shape with a low-impact cardio
                                                                                form to DDMS by 5/20/2022
            workout that combines body weight,
            exercise and simple dance movements                                 323 Market Street
            to upbeat music. If you like to walk and                            Denton, MD 21629
            move to music, this class will get your
                                                                                For more information contact
            heart pumping.
            Martinak Steps to Fitness: On Tuesday,                    
            May 17 and 31 meet at the Martinak                        
            State Park Amphitheater at 5 PM for a
            two mile brisk walk that includes body
            weight exercises and resistance band   0$.( '2:172:1 '(1721 %/220
            exercises. Guaranteed to shape arms
            and legs!                            Your Name/Business Name:
            Tuckahoe Steps to Fitness: On Tuesday,   In Honor/Memory of:
            May 24 meet at the Tuckahoe State Park
            Lake Fitness Trail at 5 PM for a two mile   Address:
            brisk walk that includes body weight   Phone:                                              Email:
            exercises and resistance band exercises.
                                                 Level of Sponsorship:      Gold      Silver      Bronze
            Cycling and Paddling
            Caroline Cycles: This route on scenic,   Amount Enclosed:

            low traffic roads of Caroline County will

            start at the Smokey Cat Lavender Farm,
            5090 Long Swamp Rd, Federalsburg,
            on Saturday, May 21 at 9 AM. Riders
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