Page 10 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 10
Caroline CASA 2024 the year you decide to volunteer
Court Appointed Special Advocate with CASA! For more information or
to make a holiday donation, please visit
by Amy Horne, Executive Your gift of
Director, CASA of Caroline money and/or time will truly “Change
a Child’s Story”!
The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention
W h at do CASA funded this project under sub-award number CJAC-
of Caroline and 2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view
Christmas have in in this document are those of the author and do not
common? Th ey both necessarily represent the official position of any State
or Federal Agency. This project is supported by a grant
bring joy to kids! from the Maryland Judiciary’s Administrative Offi ce of
One way CASA does the Courts number AOC-G20CA0225I.
that is by providing
volunteer advocates for every child
in foster care who needs a consistent,
caring adult by their side. On November
14, CASA of Caroline proudly welcomed
two new volunteer advocates who
have been trained to advocate for the
best interests of children who’ve been
removed from their homes and placed in
foster care due to abuse and/or neglect.
Regina Teat and Bill Schaffner
successfully completed the pre-service
training program and were sworn in as
advocates and friends of the court by
The Honorable Heather L. Price. With
the addition of these two highly qualifi ed Pictured left to right: Pete Buesgens, CASA Advocate
volunteers, CASA of Caroline now has Supervisor; Bill Schaffner, advocate; Regina Teat, advocate;
13 volunteers who are committed to and The Honorable Heather L. Price.
advocating for the safety, well-being
and best interests of children and youth
in foster care.
With appreciation at the
CASA of Caroline enjoys celebrating
the holiday season, not only by giving holidays, we Thank You
children the gift of a CASA, but also by
bringing joy to the community through for your support and wish
our participation in holiday events. If you a very Merry Christmas!
you are attending the Denton Christmas
Parade on December 7, please be sure
to stop by our office for some light A nita’s
refreshments and a candy cane! Gift
We will also have this year’s Christmas Certificates
ornaments available for purchase. Th ey Hair House Available
feature our 20th anniversary logo and
commemorate the 20 years of advocacy Open
that CASA of Caroline has provided for Hair Care Tues.-Sat
Caroline County children and youth in 410-482-7244
the foster care system. Ornaments will
also be available for purchase at Ridgely’s 16470 Henderson Rd.
Winter Festival on December 9, as well Henderson, MD
as on our website.
As we move through the holiday season
and look to the new year, consider making