Page 6 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 6

We Have Choices                  would recognize a narrow pathway   ing the counter was all alone; we may

                                               existed.                          have been the day’s first visitors. Aft er
                     to Make                                                     the usual introduction and pleasantries,
                                               When the Native Americans arrived,
                                                                                 a conversation began. My companion
                                               they found the route superior and
                    by Bryan Gadow                                               had their choice of routes to take. Th is
                                               enlarged it. One day, the fi rst man (or
                                                                                 is something like what I heard:
                                               woman?) traveled it via horseback. In
            In one small way, if only for a moment,   time, the white man went through with   Aloysius: It’s a shame this town has
            I shall one-up Professor Dean (who you   a wagon. Decades whizzed past. Stan-  gone so far downhill.

            shall, I’m sure, find elsewhere in this   ley Steamers and Packards, wooden
            periodical.) You see, I want to take you   bridges, oyster shells, concrete, black-  Gunther: Hmm.
            back, not to any great American war,   top. Your author’s point? I believe it true   Aloysius: I mean, look how dead it is
            not to the founding of our fair county,   that, somewhere in this county, there’s   down here.
            not even to the landing of some fellow   at least one stretch of highway that
            name of Smith upon the shores of our   could be traced back to some squirrel   Gunther: Well…
            peninsula. Way, way before all that...  or opossum. Certainly, many of our   Aloysius: Nobody knows your here!
            before, indeed, any humans walked   roadways are far removed from such a

            our land at all. Imagine, if you can:   thing. Only the most rabid of raccoon   Gunther: That seems to be true…
            only the four-legged mammals moving   could come up with the traffi  c pattern   Aloysius: You bet it is! Why don’t THEY
            to and fro on “our” land. One day, one   at Walmart! Since on the topic of paths,   do something about it?
            particular day, a rabbit (or perhaps a   I shall change the direction of the one
            fox) took a certain route home. It found   I am now on.              Gunther: I know! Somebody should.
            the path quite pleasing, and continued
            at least daily. Others joined in. Were   It was earlier this autumn that I accom-  Bryan: I think...
            you transported back those thousands   panied a friend as they ran an errand in   Aloysius: I guess it’s hopeless. Nobody

            of years there would be no doubt, you   downtown Denton. The person work-  cares.

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