Page 9 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 9

Flatland Drive on
               the First Sunday

                  at American
                Legion Post 29
                  December 3

            What do a recovering natural resource
            policeman, a middle school teacher, a

            software consultant, a fi nancial invest-
            ment broker and an electric bicycle sales-
            man have in common? It is bluegrass!
            The musician’s joke is that by playing
            bluegrass, they make “tens of dollars”,
            but the financial reward (or lack of it)

            does not equate with the passion, musi-
            cianship, and sheer joy the performers
            bring to the stage.

            This month it is Flatland Drive, a fi ve-  Presented by Towers Concrete Prod-  mances – typically the second Sunday

            piece Caroline County-based band that   ucts, Flatland Drive’s sets will be a mix   of each month but always at the Ameri-
            has been making bluegrass since 2009.   of original hard-driving instrumentals,   can Legion Post, 9238 Legion Road in
            Note the new date—the first Sunday,   bluegrass ballads and reliable favorites   Denton.
            December 3 at the American Legion Post   from the Country Gentleman, Seldom   Food and beverages for sale benefi t the
            on Legion Road in Denton. Doors open   Scene and Flat & Scruggs. Members   Legion Auxiliary.
            at 12:30. Music begins at 1 p.m. with   include Alam Rausch on dobro (former
            the house band – the beloved “Kitchen   policeman) Curt Fox on Banjo (broker),   Mark your calendars for the winter

            Pickers”. The featured performer starts   Steve Margulis on mandolin (soft ware   concert dates: January 14: New & Used
            at 2 p.m. Admission is $15 and is open   wizard), Rodney Collins on bass (Middle   Bluegrass; February 11: Danny Pais-
            to the public.                     school life!), and Don Schlater on guitar   ley and Southern Grass. Th e complete
                                               (Wanna buy a bike?)               concert schedule through May 19 (the
                                                                                 only third Sunday due to Mother’s Day)

                                               The concert is produced by the Eastern
                                                                                 will be released by December 1.
                                               Shore Bluegrass Association (ESBA), a
                                               not-for-profit association of volunteers   For more information on ESBA, go to

                                               committed to promoting and support-  the
                                               ing this American music. ESBA is more   ShoreBluegrassAssociation/ or esblue-
                                               than 50 years old and the upcoming on the web.
                                               concert is one of nine monthly perfor-

                                                 Amy J. Porter, EA


             Janet Dove, stylist                 120 Deep Shore Road
                                                 Denton, MD 21629
                 CUTS  •  COLOR  •  PERMS        410-310-8282
                  Appointments ONLY!                              AP ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS LLC
                  Please call to schedule

                  920 Gay St., Denton                     Specializing in Bookkeeping, Training and Individual
                                                                            and Small Business Tax Preparation
                    410-310-4586                       Enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service

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