Page 52 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 52
Col. Tench Tilghman Chapter • Provide any type of civil service to support the new
state or provisional government?
of the SAR to Conduct
• Provide medical assistance (e.g., as a physician,
Holiday Social Event surgeon, or nurse) to aid the wounded?
On Thursday, December 14, the Colonel Tench Tilghman If so, and you can show direct unbroken lineage to one of these
Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) will individuals, you would qualify to join the Sons of the Ameri-
conduct a meet-and-greet social event at the White Swan can Revolution (SAR) if male or Daughters of the American
Tavern in Chestertown, from 4:30-6:30 PM. The local chapter Revolution (DAR) if female.
of the SAR is inviting all its members, spouses, and anyone Often prospective members are descended from multiple
interested in learning more about the SAR to come out during American Revolutionary War patriots but are unaware of this
the holiday season to enjoy food and beverages and to socialize fact until they begin to research their family history.
with members of the SAR. The White Swan Tavern is a historic
building located at 231 High Street, Chestertown, and has been A member of the General Perry Benson Chapter of the Daugh-
used since the early 1700s as a tannery, private home, and inn. ters of the American Revolution (DAR) will also be present if
any would like to attend this event to learn about the DAR.
Have you ever considered joining the SAR? To join one must be
a lineal descendant of an American Revolutionary War patriot. The Colonel Tench Tilghman Chapter of the SAR serves citi-
zens in Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot Counties.
Did any of your male ancestors …
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
• Serve in the Continental Army or Navy?
(NSSAR), founded in 1889, is a non-profit and non-partisan
• Sign the Oath of Fidelity to support the cause of inde- organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving
pendence? American History, and promoting education to our future
generations. To learn more about the Colonel Tench Tilghman
Did any of your ancestors, male or female …
Chapter of the SAR, please go to its Facebook page:
• Render material aid to the cause such as furnishing
supplies or paying a tax to support the cause?
If interested in attending this event, please contact Warren
Easter/Spring Designer Purse, Tewes at by Friday, December 8, to RSVP,
Pampered Chef & Thirty One and advise how many will be in your party.
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