Page 50 - December 2023 Issue.indd
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Men For Change Outreach will meet Baird to sponsor or donate 443-262- Street, Denton, 410-924-6404,
every second Saturday, from 11:30 AM 4106., https://
- 1:00 PM at the Apostolic Pentecostal
10th Annual Christmas Open House
Church, 123 Liberty Road, Federalsburg. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4
hosted by Preston Historical Society,
Contact: David Ricks, Sr. 443-786-5182,
PHS Museum, 167 Main Street in Grocery Bingo at the Cordova
or Betty Jarman, 302-448-5939.
Preston, 10 AM to 2 PM. Santa Claus Firehouse. Doors open at 5:45 and
FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS will be present for pictures. Decorated games begin at 6:30. Refreshments
DECEMBER 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 Christmas trees and baked goods will are available for purchase. For more
Whoville Village Holiday Park, 5-9 PM, be available for purchase. For more information, call Betty Ann at 410-253-
13781 Greensboro Road, Greensboro. information call 410-924-9080 or visit 5550.
Come and enjoy the Christmas lights THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7
at Whoville Village with the Grinch Christkindlmarkt on Denton Main
and Cindy Lou Who. Enjoy the village, Swing, Ballroom, and Latin Dance Street from 5-8:30 PM. You don’t want
free hot chocolate and cookies, photos at Easton Family YMCA, 1180 South to miss this opportunity to kick off the
with Santa at Santa Village, and shop Washington St. Easton from 5:30 -8:30 holiday season! Denton Downtown
with vendors inside the community PM. Social Dance includes a free lesson Main Street is hosting its annual outdoor
hall. Parking is $5, and entrance into the and professional DJ. See website and holiday market with plenty of vendors
village is free. Facebook USA Dance Eastern Shore.
Singles, couples, all levels and ages and crafters on display.
welcome. Never partner danced? We will Annual Denton Holiday Parade from
Sing Along with Santa at the Cordova
help you. Dressy casual. No spike heels. 6-8 PM. Help celebrate the holiday
Firehouse at 7 PM. All are invited.
Free for under 21 and students with ID. season at the annual holiday parade and
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 Tickets at the door are $10 for Y or USA lighting of the courthouse green. Enjoy
Festival of Trees from 12-5 PM at Dance members. Otherwise $15. http:// holiday floats, classic cars, marching
Towers Family Historical Museum, bands, santa and more! Visit www.
26299 Sennett Road, Denton. Step into SUNDAY – DECEMBER 3 to register.
a winter wonderland of beautifully
Missions Emphasis Day at Calvary SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9
decorated trees, each one a unique
Baptist Church at 11 AM. Missionary Men’s Breakfast and Fellowship
masterpiece waiting for a new home.
Phyl Prettyman will be sharing how at Calvary Baptist Church at 8
You’ll have the opportunity to bid on
the Lord has been at work in Uganda. AM. Our Theme: “Going Forward
your favorite tree and bring the holiday
All are welcome – Bring a friend Together”. Contact: 1120 Market
spirit home with you. Contact: Shelly
or neighbor. Contact: 1120 Market Street, Denton, 410-924-6404,, https://
Designer Purse Bingo!
Designer Purse Bingo!
Cookie Walk at the Cordova Firehouse
at 9 AM. Pick out a box of homemade
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cookies for $10. For more information,
call Jeannie at 410-829-7214.
Christmas in Ridgely Winter Festival
from 4 PM - 9 PM. The Christmas in
Ridgely Winter Festival features ice
skating, train rides, carriage rides,
Door Prizes inflatable amusements, and more than
Tagboard 70 vendors. There will be fun for the
$30 Tricky Tray entire family!
Pulltabs Caroline County AARP Chapter 915
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Food meets at noon, with a covered dish
luncheon at the Church of the Nazarene
in Denton. Join us for Christmas music
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and memories with Betty Ballas. New
ƃɽ ĀɨljɰɽɁȶ yȈɨlj ƃȢȢ members and guests are welcome. For
Call CCHS 410-820-1600 ɽɁ Ǽljɽ Ɂȶ ɥɨljӸɥƃȈǁ ȢȈɰɽӝ more information, call 410-482-6039.
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An Old Fashioned Christmas at