Page 49 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 49

            The Activities Singles Klub (ASK)
            holds its meetings the 1st Th ursday of
            the month. Meetings are held at the
            Elks located at 502 Dutchman’s Lane in
            Easton. Single, widowed, divorced and
            separated individuals are invited. Feel
            free to come visit with us. We meet at
            4:30 PM for social time, dinner will be
            at 5:00 PM and the meeting will follow
            dinner. For information call Gladys at
            Upper Shore Genealogical Society

            of Maryland - The Research Center/
            Library is located at 12156 Greensboro
            Road, Greensboro. The hours of
            operation are most Saturdays, from 9 AM

            - 2 PM. The Research Center is usually
            closed on holiday weekends and dates of
            membership meetings. Particularly for
            out of town researchers, the Research
                                               original school or day care. Contact:
            Center can be visited by special request.
                                               410-754-6011 or 410-924-0552.
            Email us at The
            Research Center will be open December   SECOND SATURDAYS
                                               Giving Grace Food Pantry held at
            2, 9. Membership meetings are held at
            1 p.m. the second Saturday of January,   Goldsboro Fire Co., 700 Old Line
            March, May, September and November.   Road, Goldsboro. Food available from
            Locations may vary, but will be posted   7 AM until. For more information, call
            on the website at  and our   302-270-1948. Sponsored by Trinity
            official Facebook group (https://www.  United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.

   prior   The 1809 Exeter House (Old Denton
            to meetings.                       Road, Federalsburg) will be open for        Saturday, Dec. 16
            Preston Historical Society Museum,  tours on the second Saturday of each          10 AM - 1 PM
            located at 167 Main Street, Preston,   month, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Admission
            is open 10 AM to 2 PM. No fee for   is free, but donations are welcome.   Santa Secret Workshop
            admission. For more information visit   Exeter, located at 408 Old Denton Road   for children to shop!
   or   in Federalsburg, is one of the oldest
            call 410-924-9080.                 remaining structures in southern           Pete’s Pizza
                                               Caroline County, dating back to around   will be providing  food.
            Men,  join us for “Men Praying     1800. Many of its early residents were
            Together” at 8:30 AM every Saturday.   millers who worked in the grist mill
            Come fellowship with other believers   across the road on the Marshyhope   COME AND SUPPORT
            and be strengthened and inspired.   Creek. Docents will be available.    YOUR LOCAL VENDORS!
            Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market   Admission is free, but donations are   Stop by on your way home, take
            Street, Denton. Contact: 410-924-6404.   welcomed! For more information,   a look around, and grab dinner
     https://  please contact 443-434-3114 or
               to take home!
                                               Eternal Life Ministries will have Fish   There might be a surprise
            Community Civic League Breakfast,
                                               Dinners available from 11 AM until
            3439 Laurel Grove Road, Federalsburg.                                     or two at this event!
                                               3 PM. We are located at 807 Market
            Every first Saturday, 7-10:30 AM.
                                               Street in Denton. For more information   SPONSORS:
            Scrapple, sausage, eggs, potatoes,
                                               please call the church at 410-714-1087   M&L GMC
            applesauce, biscuit, oj, coffee. Cost is
                                               or 410-725-1484.                    H&M Bay
            $8. Local delivery available. One free
                                                                                   WIN Transport
            breakfast to anyone who attended the                                   Preston Automotive Group
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