Page 46 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 46

Events at Martinak                February 14: Blackwater NWR       April 17: Lynch Preserve Robins
                                               Wildlife Walk. Meet at Visitor Center   Creek Trail. Meet at the end of Tall
                   State Park                  parking area.                     Tree Lane, Preston.

            Martinak Morning Walk              February 21: Adkins Arboretum     April 24: Tuckahoe State Park
            Year round morning hikes meet at the   Loop it Walk. Meet at Visitor Center   Connector Trail. Meet at park offi  ce.

            Martinak State Park Office at 10:30 AM.   parking area.

            The walks on Tuesdays and Th ursdays
                                               February 28: Wye Island NRMA
            are guided and on a paved trail. Walks
                                               Dividing Creek Trail. Meet at Lodge
            are approximately one mile in length                                    PART-TIME BARTENDER
            or about 2,000 steps with plenty of   LN parking area.                 HELP WANTED
            benches available for resting and enjoy-
                                               March 6: Idylwild WMA Marshy
            ing nature. Aft er a mile or 1.5 miles,   Hope Creek. Meet at Houston Branch
            walkers may choose to walk longer
                                               parking area.                       American Legion Caroline Post 29
            through the camp loops and trails or
            return to the start. Meet at the gravel   March 13: Tuckahoe State Park Pee   9238 Legion Rd, Denton
            parking area on the left past the park   Wee Trail. Meet at Crouse Mill Road   Experienced and dependable

            offi  ce.                          parking area.                       part time bartender needed
            First Day Hikes                                                         for our Membership Lounge.
                                               March 27: Cross Island Trail Terrapin
            On Monday, January 1, 2024 guided   Nature Trail. Meet at Exit 37 Parking
            hikes are offered at Tuckahoe, Martinak,

                                               Area.                                 Must be MD TIPS certified.
            Sassafras and Wye Island. As the date                                  &is position is mostly nights,
            approaches, check out this link:   April 3: Sassafras NRMA Meadows        weekends, and holidays.
                                               and Forest. Meet at Turners Creek
                                               parking area.
            pages/eastern/tuckahoe.aspx                                             You will be serving Veterans,
            Wednesday Winter Hikes             April 10: Tuckahoe State Park         their families, and friends.
            Enjoy the brisk air of winter on these   Creekside Trail. Meet at Cemetery   Contact Jim at 410-310-5802 or
            morning three to five mile hikes.   Road parking area.                   email
            Discover the diversity and wildlife of
            the area at the beautiful parks, refuges,
            and Wildlife Management Areas in the
            area. All walks start at 10:30 AM and   Locally built, new construction PADDLE
            follow the Caroline County Schools for
            weather alerts. It is suggested to bring   BOARDS and KAYAKS. Paddles included.
            water and a snack. Bug spray and a hat
            are helpful. Email: Karen.gianninoto@      Paddle Boards $500  •  Kayaks $600
   to register and to receive
            additional information.                           Call 410-490-5560 for info.
            January 17: Martinak State Park
            Boundary Walk. Meet at the boat ramp
            parking area.
            January 24: Tuckahoe State Park Lake
            Trail. Meet at the Lake parking area.
            January 31: Wye Island NRMA Holly
            Tree Trail. Meet at Holly Tree parking
            February 7: Tuckahoe State Park
            Tuckahoe Valley Trail. Meet at the
            Lake parking area.

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