Page 43 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 43

Beginning Needlepoint         with a folk art appearance to the blocks. You will have the opportunity to create
                     (2 hour sessions)         this lovely quilt as we delve into the world of back basting applique. Th e fl oral quilt
                                               contains 12 applique blocks each measuring 22 inches square. For the fi rst session,
                            Jan 5, and Jan. 18   we will be focusing on four fl oral blocks.
                            10 AM- 12 PM
                                               If you wish to make a wallhanging, call Kay for fabric
                            Session 1: You     requirements.
                            will learn the Half
                            Cross stitch and the   Pattern will need to be purchased ahead of time ($40) and
                            Tent(Continental)   can be obtained from Kay Butler. For supply list or ques-
                            Stitch by making   tions, call Kay at 410-829-5136
            two coasters on plastic canvas and then
            start on a needlepoint canvas bookmark.
            Session 2: You will learn the Basketweave
            Stitch, making another plastic canvas                           FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT

            coaster, finish the bookmark and start
                                                                            FOR HEALTHY LIVING
            on a 4” X 4” needlepoint.
                                                                            FOR SOCIAL REPOSIBILITY
            Cost is $25 for members and $35 for
            non members. Supplies are $15 payable
            to instructor Victoria McConnell. Limit
            8 students Please bring small scissors.
            Contact Victoria 410-253-9716 to sign

              Beginner Hand Quilting Class
            January 6, 10  AM – 1 PM
            $35 Member, $45 Non Member (includes
            pattern and instructions)
            Let’s start the new year by learning a   Caroline Mentoring Program
            new sewing skill of yesteryear, fi ne hand   CAROLINE COUNTY FAMILY YMCA
            quilting! This class will broaden your
            horizons as you begin a new adventure   Join us as we partner with the Chesapeake Culinary Center for
            in quilting! There’s much to be learned   a series of cooking lessons! Learn how to cook together as a

            including the use of proper tools, basting
                                                 family and make nutritional choices that still taste good, while
            and quilting stitches, types of batting,   being mindful of a budget.
            thimbles, marking tools, thread, hoops
            and frames as you stitch a lovely 18”
            whole cloth quilt. Enhance your quilt-  Dates:  January 8th, 15th, and 22nd
            ing experience and learn first hand how   Time: 5pm-7pm

            enjoyable hand quilting can be!
                                                 Location: 512 Franklin St, Denton, MD 21629
            Class instructor will also have kits avail-
            able for a fee of $15. Call Kay Butler to   This event is open to mentoring program participants
            sign up, get supply list, and any addi-
            tional questions at 410-829-5136.    and their families only. For more information on our
                                                 mentoring program and how to join, contact Melissa
                 Adelina’s Floral Garden         Bordenski, Program Coordinator at 410-479-3060
                  Applique Quilt Classes         or

            Jan. 19, Feb. 23, March 22, April 26
            Cost: $60 Members $70 Non Members                     "The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services,
                                                                  on behalf of the Children's Cabinet, funded this project under award
            Time: 10-2. Instructor: Kay Butler                    number CCIF-2023-0004.  All points of view in this document are those of
                                                                  the author and do not necessarily repre-sent the official position of any
                                                                  State or Federal Agency."  Funded by: Caroline Human Services Council
            Adelina’s Flower Garden is a mid-nine-
            teenth century New York appliqued quilt
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