Page 40 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 40
Th e following are the latest related healthcare visits in infants by surfaces, such as doorknobs and
recommendations regarding RSV about 80%. mobile devices.
vaccine and prevention: • Get vaccinated if recommended
One dose of Beyfortus is recommended
ADULTS for all infants younger than 8 months, by your healthcare provider.
Two RSV vaccines have been approved born during, or entering, their fi rst
If you have an infant, avoid crowds,
by the Food and Drug Administration RSV season (typically fall through
ask people to wash their hands before
(FDA). Each vaccine requires a single spring). For a small group of children
touching the baby, and keep the
dose injection. between the ages of 8 and 19 months baby away from anyone with cold
who are at increased risk of severe
All adults aged 60 and over should RSV disease, such as severely symptoms.
discuss the RSV vaccine with their immunocompromised children, a Caroline County Health Dept
healthcare provider. This is especially dose is recommended in their second 403 S. 7th Street
true if you are at increased risk for RSV season. Denton, Maryland 21629
severe complications from RSV,
based on any of the following health Parents of infants who meet the
conditions; asthma, COPD, congestive above criteria should discuss the RSV
(410) 479-8000
heart failure, coronary artery disease, monoclonal antibody product with
diabetes, neurologic conditions, their child’s pediatrician.
kidney disorders, liver disorders, )22'
bleeding disorders, or a compromised PREVENTION
immune system. Other things that may You can help prevent the spread of RSV
increase your risk are frailty, advanced by taking the same precautions used to 3$175,(6
age, or residency in a nursing home or prevent other respiratory illnesses, like
long-term care setting. COVID-19: DENTON
• Cover coughs and sneezes with Aaron’s Place, Inc.
One of the available vaccines has 401 Aldersgate Drive
a tissue or your elbow – not your
also been approved for pregnant hands. Tues. - Wed. 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
individuals between 32- and 36-weeks
gestational age in pregnancy. If you • Wash your hands oft en with Aarons Place Inc at
are pregnant, discuss the RSV vaccine soap and water for at least 20 Living Waters Assembly
with your OB/GYN. seconds. 9058 Double Hills Road
• Avoid close contact with people
RSV vaccines are available through
who are sick, such as kissing,
primary care offi ces and some TOWN OF GREENSBORO
shaking hands, and sharing cups
pharmacies. Aarons Place Inc.
and eating utensils.
113 Main St.,
CHILDREN • Stay home if you are sick, but Every other Monday
RSV is especially dangerous to infants. if you have to go out in public, 9 AM to 1 PM and Every
The CDC recommends certain infants wear a face mask. other Thursday Night
receive the FDA-approved monoclonal
• Avoid touching your face,
antibody product Beyfortus (also particularly your eyes, nose, and
called nirsevimab). Beyfortus has mouth. FEDERALSBURG
been shown to reduce the risk of both Aarons Place Inc
RSV-related hospitalizations and RSV- • Clean frequently touched Community Civic League
3439 Laurel Grove Rd,
Samaritan House Wednesday, 4 to 6 PM
Marydel, MD, Federalsburg and
Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM Preston. Questions:
Sat. 9 AM - noon 443-243-5906.
Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post Office
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