Page 39 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 39

nicotine puts on the body, and free up   away from work and stressful   symptoms. Most people recover in a
            some extra cash.                   situations and take a walk, grab your   week or two, but RSV can be serious.
                                               phone and reach out to a friend or play   Infants and older adults are more
            However, the process of actually   a game. This still gives you a chance to   likely to develop severe RSV and need

            quitting can still be daunting. Having   decompress and, guess what? You can   hospitalization. The virus can also

            support is key. The Maryland Quitline   do it all without smoking or vaping!  worsen certain medical conditions,

            offers support from trained quit                                     including asthma, chronic obstructive

            coaches. Often these folks previously   RSV: Risk, Signs & Prevention  pulmonary disease (COPD), and

            used tobacco themselves so they                                      congestive heart failure.
            understand and can help you build a   RSV is a common respiratory virus

            quit plan. They work with you right   that usually causes mild, cold-like        (continued on next page)
            over the phone and can send nicotine
            replacement products like patches
            and gum to you in the mail, all at no                      KEEP THE BEAT
            cost. To learn more or enroll you can
            contact the Quitline directly at 1-800-
            QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or you                           CPR & First Aid Training
            can contact me at 410-829-0848 (call
                                                                       Training for:  • Boat Captains
            or text) and I can submit a referral
                                                                       • Healthcare  • Coaches...
            to have a quit coach reach out and                         • Daycare    we do them all!
            contact you.                        CPR and First Aid
                                                valid for 2 years
            Last but not least, I wanted to leave                      410-758-2022                   Quality, fun
                                                WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS
            you with a few stress reduction tips.                      147 Log Canoe Cir.             & aff  ordable
            Practice deep breathing and gratitude   For upcoming classes:   Stevensville, MD 21666     training!

            reflections. Take your breaks! Step

                                                             Quality Health Care

                                                            for the Entire Family

                                         Seven Locations to Serve You

                  Federalsburg Medical          Chestertown Health Center             Easton Pediatrics
                     & Dental Centers                  443-215- 5353                    410-770-8910
                                                Cambridge Fassett-Magee                 St. Michaels
                  Denton Health Center                 Health Center                Bay Hundred Medical
                      410-479-2650               Cambridge Dental Center              & Dental Centers
                                                       410-228-4045                     410-745-0200
                  Goldsboro Medical &
                      Dental Centers
                                          Now Welcoming New Medical Patients
                                    Accepting Medicare, Medicaid & Most Major Insurance Plans

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