Page 36 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 36
Market! Discover unique handmade ganza! December 2nd from 2-4 PM
treasures from local artisans, enjoy live at Th e Foundry. Renowned artist Steve
music, demonstrations, and workshops. Mead guides you in transforming hand-
Find one-of-a-kind gifts, support local carved wooden ornaments into unique,
artists, and embrace the festive spirit. abstract masterpieces. Dive into a world
Hosted by Caroline County Chamber of colors, crafting stunning keepsakes
of Commerce, sponsored by CCCA/ for your tree or heartfelt gift s. Immerse
Denton Artsway. Save the date and join yourself in festive vibes with like-
us for this joyful celebration! Admission minded enthusiasts. Your ticket includes
The Foundry is free. all supplies and the chance to take home
featuring artists in Caroline County Collage Masterclass with Yolanda memorable creations. Limited spots
available—reserve yours today for a
401 Market Street, Denton Acree: January 12 and 26 from 5-6 PM masterpiece of holiday creativity! $30/
Wed. – Fri., Noon - 5; Sat., 10-3 at Th e Foundry. Join us for an enriching class Collage Masterclass with Artist in Resi-
dence, Yolanda Acree. Dive into the art Write On! 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 6:30-8:00
of collage under Yolanda’s expert guid- PM via Zoom. Join local legend Keith
Featured Artist: Yolanda Acree
ance and explore its depth, symbolism, Shaffer for a fun, upbeat writing class
Artist, Historian, Storyteller
and storytelling. Perfect for ages 13 and where participants choose their own
Yolanda V. Acree, a gifted artist, histo- up, these classes offer a collaborative and writing methods and share their stories
rian, and writer based on Maryland’s supportive environment for budding with a different topic each session. Th is
Eastern Shore, is a beacon of creativity artists. Limited spots available, so RSVP is an adults only writing class. Participa-
and cultural exploration. Her captivat- now to celebrate Yolanda’s brilliance, tion is free.
ing collage work delves into the experi- connect with fellow creators, and let
ences of Black femmes and folk, weaving your creativity soar! $20/Class Explore Artistic Adventures with
intricate narratives of identity, culture, Christmas in Ridgely: December 9th Adkins Classes Sponsored by
and history. Beyond her artistic prowess, from 4-9 PM at Railroad Memorial CCCA!
Yolanda is a dedicated community histo- Park, 1 W. Railroad Ave, Ridgely. Get
rian, documenting the rich heritage of ready for a festive feast of fun at Christ- Dive into a world of creativity with
Black communities in Caroline, Queen mas in Ridgely! Glide on two ice skat- Adkins Arboretum’s exciting classes
Anne’s, Kent, Talbot, and Dorchester ing rinks, enjoy horse-drawn carriage brought to you with the support of
counties. rides, explore a life-size gingerbread CCCA. Unleash your artistic talents
and connect with nature. Tickets are
Yolanda’s collages are more than art; house, and marvel at a 60-foot twinkle exclusively available on their website
they are profound stories echoing tunnel of lights. Bring the kids for selfi es at Don’t miss
through generations. Rooted in cultural with Santa, activities galore, and meet out on these inspiring learning oppor-
signifi cance, each piece offers a unique Christmas characters like Buddy the Elf, tunities!
perspective, resonating deeply with Elsa, and the mischievous Grinch. Don’t CCCA Mini-Grants
hearts and minds. As Artist in Resi- miss this magical night, and mark your
dence at The Foundry, Yolanda brings calendars for December 9th! Rain date: Apply now! Deadlines are rolling. Appli-
her expertise and passion to inspire and December 16th. cations must be received a minimum
educate. Stay tuned for upcoming events Yuletide Impressions: Linocut Wrap- of 60 days before the event/project is
and workshops to immerse yourself in ping Paper and Gift Tags, December planned to begin.
the transformative world of this remark- 7th & 14th from 5:30-7:30 PM at Th e We want to support your art projects
able artist. Welcome to Yolanda’s creative Foundry. Embark on a magical journey and events! Reach out to us for more
journey! into linocut printmaking! Join seasoned information.
instructor Victoria Donovan to carve
Upcoming Arts Events in delightful holiday designs onto linoleum Email or visit our
Caroline County blocks. Suitable for all skill levels, this website @
workshop provides a warm space for
View our upcoming Calendar of Events
creativity. All materials are provided,
and register for classes online at www.
ages 10 & up. Hurry, spots are limited!
Reserve your place today for a joyful
Artisan Market: December 2nd from artistic expression and create personal-
4-8 PM at The Wharves of Choptank ized holiday prints. $30/class.
Visitors Center. Experience the magic Ornament Odyssey: Artistic Wood-
of the holidays at our Artisan Holiday
work & Abstract Painting Extrava-