Page 38 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 38
Tips, Classes and
H ealth C orner Programs to help
you live healthier!
improves life expectancy. Th e Caroline from all of the stress in today’s world
County Health Department off ers but did you know smoking and vaping
free, confidential, walk-in Rapid HIV can actually increase the stress inside
Testing every day that the Health your body? It is true! Nicotine, found
World Aids Day Department is open. The test results in cigarettes and in many vapes, is an
are obtained in one minute. It is fast addictive stimulant.
by Suzanne R. Frost, RN ACRN and easy, and only takes a drop of
blood to test. Nicotine narrows blood vessels,
World AIDS Day was founded in 1988 making them smaller, which causes
and was the fi rst-ever International It is important to know your HIV your blood pressure and heart rate to
Day for Global Health. It has been status. Think of it this way: go up. In turn, your heart has to work
observed every year since that time on harder to pump blood throughout
If you don’t know you are HIV positive,
December 1st. your body, thus putting more stress on
you don’t receive care and treatment. your cardiac system.
The day remains as relative today You don’t receive support and services,
as it has always been, reminding you can’t protect those you love, and Craving nicotine causes stress too.
people and governments globally that you cannot have the best outcome and When you smoke or vape, your brain
HIV has not gone away. It is a day to quality of life. receives a hit of nicotine and that
remember those lost to HIV/AIDS, nicotine craving is satisfied for a short
Please drop in or call the Caroline
those that continue to fi ght against amount of time. This can trick you into
HIV, and acknowledge those people County Health Department. We are feeling more relaxed. Th ose feelings
here to help. 403 South 7th St. Denton
who are living with HIV today. While are short lived and as your nicotine
or 410-479-8000.
great medical and social advances levels drop, you start to feel on edge
have been made over the four decades and will likely experience another
Ask to speak to a nurse about HIV
since the first known reported cases testing, HIV education, and HIV craving for a cigarette or vape. Th is
of HIV/AIDS, this disease remains Medical Case Management Services process continues to repeat for as long
a public health challenge. Th ere still as you keep smoking or vaping. Talk
for those living with HIV.
remains a critical need for continued about stress in the brain!
funding for the HIV/AIDS response,
The Connection Between The cost of buying cigarettes and vape
to increase awareness of HIV and how
it affects people’s lives, to end stigma Smoking/Vaping & Stress products can really add up. Feeding
a nicotine addiction is fi nancially
and discrimination around HIV, and
to improve the quality of life globally Submitted by Heather Grove, RN, BSN expensive. In a world where everything
for people living with HIV. costs more than it used to, fi guring
It is easy to think that smoking a
out how to pay for it all can be very
cigarette or taking a hit on your vape
In 2023, we know that prompt and stressful. Breaking free from a nicotine
is a good way to calm your nerves
consistent HIV treatment and care addiction will allow your hard earned
dollars to go to things that really
EXAMS & CERTIFICATES matter to you instead of the deceitful
• Truck/Bus Drivers tobacco companies.
• Basic Med for Pilots It is important to remember there will
• Coast Guard for Boaters always be times of stress in our lives
• Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery whether we choose to smoke, vape,
or breathe clean air. Learning to deal
Board Certified with our stressors is very important.
Occupational Medicine Quitting smoking and vaping will
decrease the stress nicotine cravings
C.E. Jensen, MD
cause, reduce the physical stress
Denton, MD 410-924-8560