Page 42 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 42

(FACES) Fiber Arts Center of                          Twas The Night Before
                      the Eastern Shore
                                                                For the upcoming holidays, the Fiber
                  7 N. 4th St., Denton, MD   410-479-4296       Arts Center is very excited to present
                        info@fi                “Twas The Night Before Christmas”,

                                                                an amazing quilt exhibit which will
             Berks County, PA Fleur de Lis
                                                                continue through January 13.
               Snowfl ake Wallhanging
                 Class by Kay L. Butler                         Curated by quilt historian Sue Reich
                                                                from Washington Depot, Conn.,
            “I love to collect antique and vintage
                                                                the exhibit features miniature quilts that have been made to
            textiles. The pattern of the block
                                                                interpret stanzas from Clement C. Moore’s poem, ‘Twas Th e
            you’ll be making was from a cutter
                                                                Night Before Christmas”, penned 200 years ago as a gift  for
            quilt that I purchased from Berks
                                                                his children on December 24th. Ten generations of children

            County, PA. It is a beautiful fleur de lis design that resembles a

                                                                have been charmed by this magical poem of the gift of Saint
            snowflake and is a cutwork block that is elegant and beautiful.

                                                                Nicholas. The poem’s 28 stanzas were chosen by quilt historians

            I cannot wait to share the design with you!”
                                                                and artists to recreate their special Yuletide memories of child-

            December 9, 10 AM – 1 PM; $35 Member/$45 Non Member.   hood.The challenge was to incorporate a miniature quilt within
            Please call Kay Butler at 410-829-5136 for a supply list, to sign   the larger quilt. May these quilts bring smiles and cherished
            up, and to ask any questions.                       memories of your own special Christmases and inspire you to
                                                                keep quilts in Christmas!
                                                                There will be a members and friends reception at the Fiber Arts

                                                                Center on Sunday, December 3 from Noon - 4 PM. Th e exhibit
                                                                is free of charge and is open Wednesdays through Saturdays
                                                                from Noon - 4: PM.

                                          Come to              and Mom Porsch and
                                                                 to meet baby Chloe
                                           the farm...        visit our alpaca store!

                     Wonderful, Unique Christmas Gifts

                                                Alpaca Clothes  •  Socks  •  Gloves  •  Hatsves  •  Hats
                                                                               much more!
                                                Sweaters  •  Scarves  •   and much more!
                                                                                 uce you to
                                                Just give us a call so we can introduce you to
                                                all the animals and open the store for your
                                                                                e for your
                                                own personal Christmas shopping.
                                                own personal Christmas shoppingg.
                                                                 We’d like nothing better than to help you
              78&.$+2( 75($685(6                                  enjoy your visit!  Be sure to call first!

                 Alpaca and Yarn Barn                               8955 Tuckahoe Road, Denton, MD
                                                                    Glenn & Elaine Orme        410-479-2971

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