Page 18 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 18

Building Permits                    Martinak State
            Josh Harvey, 25278 Depue Landing
            Way, Greensboro, Shoreline Work,
                                               Walking continues on Tuesdays and
            New Home
                                               Thursdays at 10:30 AM.  Come and walk

            Rebecca Keiser, 23071 Tuckahoe     as little or as much as you like!  All levels
            Springs Drive, Denton, Remodel     of walkers are welcome.
            Linda Conley, 4374 Nichols Road,   Enjoy a relaxing aft ernoon painting a
            Federalsburg, Addition
                                               whimsical owl at Martinak State Park
            Matthew Manship, 23410 Carroll     Nature Center on Sunday, November 6
            Road, Pool                         at 2 PM.  The cost is $20, which includes

            James and Katerina Jensen, 9401    guided instruction, light refreshments,
            Fisher Road, Denton, Pool          and all materials. Please call or text
                                               410-924-1529 to reserve your seat. All
            Neal Alvinm, III and April Lee Huber,

            Ag Building                        proceeds will benefit a teacher scholarship
                                               for Caroline County students and the
            William and Tammy Lednum, 26440    Friends of Martinak and Tuckahoe State
            Baker Road, Denton, Change of Use  Park.
            Benjamin VanNest, 8511 Green Circle,
            Denton, Renovation
            Thomas and Marcia Boncella, 6464                      Ray’s Electric Service

            Harmony Road, Preston, Renovation
            John  and  Amy Conneely, 26331                             Family owned and operted since 1965
            Hobbs Road, Denton, Modular Home
            Replacement                                           • Wiring            410-479-1864
            Jeffrey and Andrea Dean, 12751                        • Heating

            Greensboro Road, Pole Building
                                                                  • Air Conditioning
            Charles Gunther,14643 Drapers Mill
            Road, Greensboro, Pool                                    24355 Shore Highway, Denton


                                    “A Towers Family Business”owers Family Business”
                                                      V (DVWHUQ 6KRUH IRU RYHU    \HDUV
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                                               $  13&$  &HUWLÀHG 3UHFDVW 3ODQW
                                               $ 13&$ &HUWLÀHG 3UHFDVW 3ODQW
              PRE CAST
              • Septic Tanks
              • Pump Tanks
              • Holding Tanks
              • Grease Traps
              • Septic Pipe & Supplies

              Norweco Wastewater
              Treatment Systems & Service                       26425 Hobbs Rd. | Denton, MD

                                                               1-800-773-9128 - 410-479-0914 - Denton, MD
                Visit our website for a complete list
                      of products & services.                            Hours: Monday - Friday 6 am - 5 pm.

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