Page 16 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 16

Plan for                 had not been all done, and had Dad not passed on a little of
                                                                knowledge and insight to the next generation, the business
                                     Succession                 would have been forced to close upon his passing. The
                                                                succession planning and implementation wasn’t perfect, and
                                 By Debbie Bowden, Director,    there were years where the business still struggled aft erwards,
                                                                but it did survive.
                                  Caroline County Economic
                                   Development and Tourism      It’s tough when you are in the midst of serving customers and
                                                                taking care of employees and worrying about supply chain to
            Small business owners (which accounts for 99% of all
                                                                think toward the future. But asking yourself the simple but
            businesses) have a lot on their plate. Depending on the structure
                                                                tough questions can help put you on the right path toward
            of leadership, the owner could be the one turning the wrenches
                                                                succession. What is my business worth... what are my real
            or prepping the menu, or the owner could be managing the
                                                                property and other assets worth... who will lead the transition...
            strategy for growth with a dedicated team of managers and
                                                                who will lead the next iteration... do I plan to sell or pass on
            employees. Regardless of the size and scope of the businesses,
                                                                to family?
            one thing that all small business owners should do, but rarely
            have time to do, is plan for succession.            As in every part of business, partnerships with subject matter
                                                                experts can help in answering those questions and making a
            In talking about this, I’d like to share some of my own story.
                                                                plan. Talk with your accountant and banker, reach out to have

            I came up in a family business. The owner was my father-in-
                                                                a conversation with a trusted realtor, and have a chat with
            law, and he and his two sons (and me as one of the son’s wife),
            operated a successful business for nearly 40 years. We began   employees and family to gauge interest in becoming the next
            the process of succession planning when Dad started to think   generation owners. Experts suggest at least three years to get
            about retirement. Those plans were made all the more urgent   everything in order to make the leap to sell your business.

            when he unexpectedly passed away.                   Making the transition to the next phase of ownership easy will

                                                                benefit you and your legacy.
            Fortunately, there was enough structure in place for the next
            generation to take over. However, if the succession planning   For updates on any future business support, please visit
                                                      , sign up for our newsletter, and follow
                                                                Caroline County Economic Development on Facebook.
              R  eady to Lose W               eight?            Caroline County Economic Development and Tourism is an
              Ready to Lose Weight?
                                                                office within Caroline County government. Its mission is to help

                              Don’t Be a Turkey...Call today!   businesses of all sizes thrive in the community. Debbie can be
                                                                reached at 410-479-4188 or

                                                                                  Spaghetti Dinner

                                Affordable & Safe
                               Medically Supervised                Thursday, Nov. 3   NO DINNER IN DEC.   4-7

                                                                          (first Thursday of the month)   PM
             • Blood Pressure Checked  • Weigh in on our body
             • Vitamin B-12 Injection     fat composition scale       All you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread, drink.
             • Diet Medication       • Blood Analysis                       Adults $10. Take-out available.  .
             • Nutritional Guidance   • Multi-Vitamins
                                                                    Purse BINGO
                          Chester River
                                                                   Friday, November 11
                   Weight Loss Center
                      1 mile south of Chester River Bridge
                      Chestertown, MD  •  410-778-9215           $25 in advance, $30 at the door  Doors open at 6 PM,
                                                                      FOOD AVAILABLE           games begin at 7 PM
                         Space available to sublease              Hall Rental Visit our website for availability and info.

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