Page 10 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 10
Recreation & Parks Shodan with the bo staff. Belt testing and advancement may
not take place due to being a shorter session.
Tiger Cubs 1
12 yrs & up, Monday & Thursday, 5/3-6/28 from 7:00 – 8:15
Introduction to Karate through exercises and games. Learn
PM, Fretterd Community Center Gym, $99 (no class 5/31).
this ancient martial art and improve self-confidence and self-
respect, build character, body dynamics and physical fi tness, Caroline Recreation & Parks Fretterd Center
make new friends and have fun. In this shorter session students is open for rentals
will have an opportunity to earn a belt with camoufl age.
We have our gym and three meeting rooms of various sizes
Instruction includes warm-up, basic karate techniques, and
available for rent Monday through Sunday between the
kata/forms under the direction of Sensei Karine Ireland.
hours of 8 a.m. – midnight. We are still observing Covid
5-8 yrs, Mondays, 5/3 – 6/28 from 6:15 – 6:45 PM, restrictions, so masks must be worn in the building.
Fretterd Community Center Gym, $39 (no class 5/31)
For more information and prices, go to our website www.
5-8 yrs., Thursdays, 5/6-6/24 from 6:15-6:45 PM. and click on the Facility Rental button,
Fretterd Community Center Gym, $39.
then the Reservations tab.
Tiger Cubs 2
Karate through exercise and games. Participants may be
younger than eight years old if they have already earned a
white belt with yellow stripe. In this shorter session we will
focus on teaching Kihon and Heian Shodan with the bo
staff. Learn more about this ancient martial art and further
improve self-confidence and self-respect, build character,
body dynamics and physical fitness, make new friends and We serve.
have fun. Instruction includes warm-up, intermediate karate
techniques, kata/forms, and sparring under the direction of Everyone wins!
Sensei Karine Ireland. Students will receive a special certifi cate
and badge for the special accomplishment instead of a belt.
2021 Junior Tennis Clinic & Open House
8-12 yrs, Mondays, 5/3–6/28 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM,
Fretterd Community Center Gym, $65 (no class 5/31) Saturday, May 15
8-12 yrs., Thursdays, 5/6-6/24, 7:00- 8:00 PM, Ridgely: 7-11 yrs, 9-10 am • 12-18 yrs, 10-11 am
Fretterd Community Center Gym, $65. Preston: 7-11 yrs, 2-3 pm • 12-18 yrs, 3-4 pm
Beginner/Advanced Shotokan Karate
Accelerate skill development with focused instruction Caroline Junior Tennis Camps
and interaction with beginning and advanced students.
Martin Sutton Park & Preston Park
Participants younger than 12 years old must have a special
invitation from the Sensei. Because of this being a shorter June 12 through July 24 (no tennis July 3)
session, this session will focus on teaching Kihon and Heian Saturdays: 6-11 yrs old, 10-11 am
12-18 yrs old, 11 am - Noon
Wednesdays: 6-11 yrs old, 6-7 pm
Commercial 12-18 yrs old, 7-8 pm
or Residential
Call me for all Clinic cost $10
your Real Estate Camp cost $69
410-924-4807 To register online go to
110 Market Street
Mike Shipley Denton, MD 21629 410-479-0777