Page 7 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 7

for Smith Island Cake -- it was virtually   try. Smith Island subsequently began   equivalents do not yet exist. Let’s see

            impossible to find on the mainland well   to enjoy an influx of revenue without   what the readers of this column nomi-
            into the 1990s. Because of the strategic   changing its traditional culture one bit.   nate so that we may formalize the status
            branding of the dessert starting with                                of each symbol as it relates to Caro-
                                               We need the same type of can-do spirit
            the aforementioned legislation over a                                line County starting with next month’s
                                               in Caroline County. Considered the
            decade ago, the cake continues to enjoy                              edition of the Caroline Review. Who
                                               poorest jurisdiction in the state accord-

            increasing, even national visibility, as                             knows -- we may soon benefit from a
                                               ing to several statistical formulas, locals

            celebrities such as Mindy Kaling (of Th e                            financial windfall initiated by a certain
                                               need to think outside the box to bring
            Office fame) tweet out their enjoyment                                 native tourism-savvy writer and some

                                               tourists and tourism dollars here. What
            of the multi-layered treat.                                          serendipitous Hollywood exposure.
                                               is tourism? I can tell you what it is not:
            Why did Smith Islanders decide to   if we continue sleepwalking through the   • Cat    • Gem
            consciously elevate something that   same old annual events and advertise
                                                                                   • Crustacean    • Boat
            locals there had always just accepted as   the same old businesses on the same

            a part of everyday life? The number of   old platforms to the same old groups   • Dinosaur  • Dessert
            watermen declining as that way of life   of locals -- that’s not tourism. That   • Dog  • Drink
            becomes increasingly difficult due to   may be the proper role of a chamber of
                                                                                   • Fish          • Exercise
            a variety of bureaucratic and environ-  commerce or an economic development
            mental reasons was the primary catalyst.   office in any region, but what tourism is   • Horse  • Folk Dance

            Rather than waxing nostalgically, put   in actuality is the enticement of outsid-
                                                                                   • Insect        • Song
            bluntly, island residents needed a new   ers to visit here and more importantly,
            way to make money and their cake was   to spend their disposable income so we   • Reptile  • Sport
            a viable solution; tourists soon fl ocked   don’t have to.              • Fossil        • Team Sport
            to that Somerset County outpost like a   So here’s my suggestion that I offer
            confectionary Field of Dreams to experi-  free of charge to the relevant Caroline   Suggest your ideas for each or for that
            ence authentic Maryland cuisine just as   County powers that be: I have simply   matter other offi  cial symbol categories
            natives quickly realized they could bake   listed below all of the official Mary-  by emailing charlesdean3vzw@gmail.
            and ship the product around the coun-                                com.
                                               land state symbols for which our county
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