Page 6 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 6

Photo above: Smith Island

                                                                                  Cake. Photo left: 1978 Caroline
                                                                                  County fl ag.

              “Official” Caroline County Symbols

                                                                                  wrong has been righted, in the meantime
                                      by Chad Dean                                I should proffer county residents move

                                                                                  in a different direction. Let’s have some

                                                                                  fun with the idea and Cloward-Piven
                      eing the devoted residents   on the letterhead of government statio-  the system with a litany of legislative
                      you are, I am sure all of   nery today. For whatever reason, and   requests. To wit:
                      you can without thinking   there are myriad persistent rumors, the

                      instantly name the official   flag accompanying this article was never   The last time I checked, Maryland has
            Bbird, flower, and tree of         adopted. Instead, the Caroline County   designated a total of 25 offi  cial symbols.
             Caroline County. For the rest of the   Commissioners, during the Maryland   Some of them are immediately recogniz-
             reading audience, we acknowledge the   350th anniversary celebration year of   able as celebrating what makes us special

             Eastern bluebird, the field daisy, and   1984, opted to hoist a far less creative   or at least different: the Baltimore Oriole
             the sweet gum as iconically local and   version: they simply slapped the county   as the state bird, the blue crab as the state
             representative of what is naturally abun-  seal on a green background and called it   crustacean, and the Chesapeake Bay

             dant here.                        a day. That pedestrian banner has been   retriever as the state dog make ubiqui-
                                               regretfully used as our flag ever since.   tous sense to be so codifi ed. Th e same

             Additionally, there is an offi  cial county   Boring.                  goes for the rockfish as the state fish,
             seal that adorns our current fl ag. Th is,                            the Black-eyed Susan as the state fl ower,
             however, is where the story gets murky.   While I would love to see the 1978   and the skipjack as the state boat. Others,
             In 1978, a contest was held to design the   design take its rightful place among the   such as the state dinosaur (astrodon),

             fi rst-ever offi  cial flag of Caroline County.   other official symbols of Caroline, and I   are the result of overzealous legislators

             Yet the winning entry is not what is seen   may have to seek elected offi  ce to make   acting on behalf of school children put
             flying atop county buildings, on the sides   that happen or at least stage a one-man   up to “lobbying” the General Assembly

             of public works vehicles, and displayed   protest on the courthouse green until the   for the designation as a civics lesson and
                                                                                  are largely a waste of taxpayer dollars.

                                                                                  There is a middle ground and that’s where
                                      RTC GENERATOR SERVICES LLC                  my continued emphasis on promot-
                                                                                  ing and marketing Caroline County
                                                                                  as a tourism destination comes to call
                                               410-829-5100                       this month. Smith Island in Somerset
                                                County understands how the game is
                                                        played. While their eponymous cake
                                                                                  has been a waterman’s delight there for
                                                                                  over a century at least according to local
                                           Generator Service & Repair             lore, the staple sweet only became offi  cial
                                             Maintenance Contracts                as the state dessert in 2008. Suddenly
                                                                                  everyone had to take a boat out to Smith
                                               Generator Cleaning
                                                                                  Island to try the cake or at least sample
                                                Loadbank Service                  some when available in regional super-
                                                                                  markets and bakeries. One could argue
                                      Residential  •  Commercial  •  Industrial   that such a demand was artificially
                                                Licensed & Insured                generated, or astroturfed, if you will,

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