Page 46 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 46
to one’s income. This program does not manual digital exams are covered at 80%
apply to folks in public housing or who after the annual deductible is met. If the
live in housing where the rent is prorated exam takes place in a hospital outpatient
Spot apply online at www.taxcredits.sdat. due to the facility, so make sure that
setting there is an additional 20% copay
Senior according to income. Applicants may, email questions to
exam takes place in a doctor’s office, or call fellas! The PSA blood test is covered at
410-767-4433 for more information. 100%.
Senior Moments Th e filing deadline for both programs is
by Mary Moran October 1st but do not delay, do it today! “Medically necessary” is always the
410-490-3078 key phrase to get Medicare to pay for
One of the problems that arose from evaluations, procedures, or Durable
Covid-19 protocols was women and men Medical Equipment.
Isn’t Spring wonderful? The trees
postponing annual exams. Now that states that the phrase covers “healthcare
budding and leafing out, spring fl owers
the Covid-19 vaccinations are steadily services or supplies needed to diagnose
taking their turns bringing us much
rolling out, please start scheduling or treat an illness, injury, condition,
needed color, the warmer breezes
your self-care appointments again. disease, or its symptoms that meet
spreading the aroma of fresh cut grass
(Reminder: Caroline County is off ering the accepted standards of medicine.”
and chicken manure on the fi elds, and
many opportunities for this essential Without that phrase being included
the opportunity to get digging in the
Covid vaccination, as are Walmart in procedure orders or for equipment,
gardens are all reminders of how lucky
and Walgreens, so call today to get er Medicare will not pay, so the benefi ciary
we are to live in Caroline County!
done!) Remember that Medicare Part will be stuck paying full price and will
Spring also brings Maryland residents “B” covers 100% of women’s wellness not benefit from the discounted copays/
the annual opportunity to apply for exams including pap smears, pelvic and coinsurances resulting from Medicare
the Homeowners Property Tax Credit. breast exams. Wellness mammograms Assignment agreements.
This credit is based on gross household are covered every 24 months, or every
income (not exceeding $60,000 per 12 months if circumstances require it. Participating Health Care Providers and
year) and provides a property tax break Diagnostic mammograms are covered DME suppliers who accept Medicare
on one’s real property tax bill for the 80% with the beneficiary, or one’s Assignment agree to accept the Medicare
primary residence of homeowners of all supplemental insurance paying the 20% approved amount as full payment for
ages. Be sure to fill out the app carefully co-insurance after the annual deductible services. They agree to charge you,
and follow the step-by-step instructions is met. The annual part “B” deductible or your supplemental insurance, the
provided. Only those whose applications for 2021 is $201. coinsurance amount due based on the
were received before April 15 will see amount Medicare paid. Generally,
Part “B” also covers colonoscopy providers wait for Medicare to establish
the credited discount on their July bill.
procedures considered to be medically the reimbursement amount for the
If you are a first-time applicant, or are
necessary every two years for high-risk service and pay its share before billing
submitting your application now, do not
patients, but only once every ten years if the patient. When changing doctors or
delay paying the tax bill while waiting for
the patient is not high risk. Men’s prostate going in for a procedure, be sure to ask
your approval letter. Be sure to pay your
property tax bill early to take advantage
of any early payment discounts! Our TURNING 65?
local offices will issue a refund check
for the difference between what you Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?
actually paid and the adjusted amount
determined by the information supplied Let Me Help You!
to the State Department of Taxation.
Homeowners may apply online at, Anthony Insurance Services
email questions to sdat.homeowners@, or call 410-767-5900 for Ann M. Anthony
more information.
For those who have a lease and are Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,
legally responsible for paying rent, the Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,
Renters Tax Credit provides a direct
check payment of up to $1,000 for those Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •
who meet program requirements. It is
22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629
intended to offset rent costs in relation