Page 49 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 49

Caroline Medical Adult Day Care           Yet, as we age, many of us are alone more often than when

                                                                we were younger, leaving us vulnerable to social isolation
                          by Carole Friend LMSW
                                                                and loneliness, and related health problems such as cognitive
                                                                decline, depression, and heart disease. What is loneliness?
            With great joy we are so excited to announce the reopening of
                                                                Loneliness is a lack of belonging, loneliness provokes despair,
            the Caroline Medical Adult Day Care. Presently, the medical
                                                                becoming stuck. Research has linked social isolation and
            day center is preparing for a Reopening sometime in late
            spring which is just around the corner. As our community   loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental
            reopens we all continue to practice universal safety measures   conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a
                                                                weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive
            such a mask wearing, hand washing, and safe distancing.
                                                                decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death. Fortunately,
            Caroline Medical Adult Day Care will assiduously continue
            to practice the safest of measures for our participants, staff ,   there are ways to counteract these negative eff ects. Equally,
                                                                people who engage in meaningful, productive activities with
            and community.
                                                                others tend to live longer, boost their mood, and have a sense
            What a year it has been since the Medical Adult Day Center   of purpose. These activities seem to help maintain their well-

            received the temporary closure order from the State on March   being and may improve their cognitive function, studies show.
            13, 2020. If you are interested in the services Medical Adult
            Day Care off ers, please contact the Center at 410-479-8065.   Research found that being alone and loneliness are diff erent
            The Medical Adult Day Center offers medical oversight, health   but related. Social isolation is the objective physical separation

                                                                from other people (living alone), while loneliness is the
            services, nutritional services, personal care services, social
                                                                subjective distressed feeling of being alone or separated. It’s
            activities, and respite for caregivers and assistance with social
            Caregivers, we hope you are all doing well and remembering
            to practice self-care. Remember, if you need help, call the                               Our
            Maryland 211 for assistance and resources. If you are in need                        Community
            of help with caregiving due to Covid-19, call the Maryland
            Caregivers for Seniors Corp at  211 or 800-337-8958. Seniors                            NEEDS
            or their loved ones may request assistance from the Caregiver                            YOU!
            Services Corps if a friend or family member who typically
            provides care becomes temporarily unavailable. Volunteers can
            be deployed to seniors’ homes to provide assistance, including
            with maintaining daily hygiene routines, preparing meals,   YMCA CAROLINE MENTORING PROJECT
            picking up groceries or medications, or connecting virtually   Do you want a free MEMBERSHIP? Do you want to
            with health care providers.
                                                                 make a difference in our Community? Do you wish to
            Those in need of assistance should call 211 to be connected   impact the lives of our youth in a positive way? This is

            with the Caregiver Services Corps Help Center. Trained staff    your opportunity to change a life forever! Caroline
            at the Call Center will triage the caller’s needs and help match   Mentoring Project is looking for Mentors now!
            them with a volunteer. The Call Center is available 7 days a

                                                                 •  Training and support for mentors is provided.
            week and is capable of taking calls in many languages.
                                                                 •  Monthly outgoings are planned for the program.
            Caregivers, keep in mind the Hotline phone number for AFA   •  Each mentor receives full membership from the
            is 866-232-8484. In addition, visit the website for helpful   YMCA of Chesapeake during the months of the
            information and daily activity videos.  Remember, the internet   program (Sept-Aug).
            is full of helpful resources; if you have internet access, please   •  Connection to community resources to help in the
            utilize it and explore resources.                      relationship between  mentor and mentee.
            One thing we have learned throughout the pandemic is the   For more information contact Angel Perez, Program
            importance of human connection.  The National Alliance   Coordinator at 410-479-3060  or
            on Mental Illness (NAMI) recognizes May as Mental Health
            Awareness month. Once more we are reminded from NAMI
            that “we are not alone” in addition to the importance of             CAROLINE  COUNTY FAMILY YMCA
            staying connected to our community. For much of our elder                    A Branch of the
            community the feeling of being alone and isolation is a known            YMCA of the Chesapeake
            struggle.                                                                    46 Denton Plaza
                                                                                       Denton, MD 21629
            NIH reminds us of how social isolation and loneliness pose
            health risks in older people. Human beings are social creatures.
            Our connection to others enables us to survive and thrive.
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