Page 20 - October 2020 Issue_Neat
P. 20

Shore Noir: A                 woman would feel more accepted in a
                                               progressive, urban area. She made the
                Notorious Local                most of her time there, earning regular
                   Personality                 attention from the Baltimore Sun due
                                               to her spirited efforts in campaigning

                 Rediscovered                  for the right to vote for women. Easily
                                               one of the most well-known suffrag-
                     by Chad Dean              ettes in Maryland around the turn of
                                               the century, Dean earned admiration
            Prominent teacher, suffragette, and busi-  and awards from feminist organizations

            nesswoman Nettie Caroline Dean Carter   around the state but also [predictably]
            was born this month in 1877. In an   scorn and derision from male writers
            unusual twist of fate, the Ridgely native   in the Sun's letters to the editor column.
            seemingly has over the years received
            more attention from the Baltimore press   She generated enough noise to be
            than she has from the local media and   noticed in Annapolis as well. A familiar
            county historians. Hopefully that will   face in the halls of the state capitol from
            change starting with this fresh look at   petitioning for the right to vote, Dean
            her life and several careers.      ended up impressing legislators to the
                                               extent that she was hired to work for   Nettie Dean
            After being named valedictorian during

                                               the Speaker of the House of Delegates
            commencement exercises at the Ridgely
                                               in 1910.                          male-dominated era in almost all facets
            Academy, Nettie Dean enrolled at the                                 of public and private life.
            Maryland State Normal School (now   Dean returned to the media spotlight in
            Towson University). Upon returning   1912 when she was called to be a witness   Reinventing herself yet again, Dean

            to Caroline County, Dean was named   in a high-profi le bribery case based on   briefly relocated to Daytona Beach in
            principal at the Choptank School below   what she had observed in the halls of the   January of 1914 to operate the Raymond

            Preston. She would later be hired away   legislative complex. The Baltimore Sun   Hotel. By summer she had returned to
            to Kent County to teach in Rock Hall,   again gushed at her poise in delivering   the Eastern Shore, this time to purchase
            where she would first create waves.  key testimony, also noting that she was   (with her sister Virginia) the Colonial

                                               the reigning "stormy petrel of Mary-  Hotel in Ocean City -- which was one
            Dean made statewide news in 1901 via   land politics" which was undoubtedly a   of the original three hotels built in the
            some rather unwanted publicity. Numer-  compliment from the progressive news-  resort town, it should be mentioned.
            ous resources around Maryland pointed   paper in an age of burgeoning female   This pattern would continue for several

            out that groups of parents especially in   efficacy in government. In this time   decades as she wintered in Florida and
            Kent County but elsewhere during this   period she also successfully protested   ran the Maryland resort hotel during our
            era were challenging the practice of   a lack of additional pay in working   traditional beach season. Denton Jour-
            corporal punishment in schools. Nettie   the periodic evening sessions of the   nal records indicate that both properties
            got caught up in this movement as she   Maryland General Assembly. Of further   were a revolving door of sorts as family
            was arrested in 1901 for whipping a male   note is the fact that Nettie served as the   members and friends from Caroline
            student by the last name of Collier with   executor of the estate of both her mother   County were guests and employees of
            a switch. Newspapers in every corner   and father, which was rare at the time   hers in Ocean City and Florida; many
            of the state, at the height of yellow jour-  but again showed just how astute and   would often reciprocate that hospitality

            nalism sensationalism, followed the   respected she was in what was still a   for her when she returned to Ridgely.
            story with interest; she was found not
            guilty and again exonerated on appeal in
            1902 as the courts ruled that disciplin-
            ing schoolchildren in the manner she               “Simply, Peacefully, Together”
            pursued was justified when warranted.

            Moral of the story: do not mess with   RIDGELY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN
            the Dean family, especially ones that are
            educators! [Author's note: ahem.]                            110 Park Ave., Ridgely, MD
                                                                 Church 410-634-1103  |  410-714-1167
            Subsequently, Dean took up residence in
            Baltimore. While she adamantly pointed
            out to anyone that questioned her that
            she only rented in the city while continu-             Worship Service at 10:30 AM
            ing to own property in Caroline County,                    Following Covid-19 Guidelines
            it is easy to see how a smart, independent
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