Page 23 - October 2020 Issue_Neat
P. 23

Kids Classes         Make an Ancestor Collage!
                             Beginning in
                                               Create a piece of visual poetry using
                               the Fall
                                               collage techniques that will bridge your
                          We will be start-    ancestors, your role as a living ancestor,
                          ing our online kids’   and your future descendants. Partici-  Perfect Touch
                          classes taught by    pants will share and discuss the dreams
            Foundry artists this fall!         and visions of the past with the present   Hair Design
                                               and future.
            We will be using the Zoom platform and

            offering them on Tuesday, 5:15-6:15PM.   Discussion will include relating the
            Watch for these up-coming classes:  themes from Christine Platt’s books   1143 Shore Hwy. Denton
                                               Dear Ancestors and The Truth About
            October: Four different kid-friendly   Awiti to the artwork created. Th e class   410-479-2833
            projects taught by Foundry Artist   will be led by Yolanda Acree and will
            Joanne Gelles.                     complement the Literary event on Octo-  Ann Draper & Lisa Young (Murray)
                                                                                          Over 30 years
            Tuesday, October 6:  Rolled Paper   ber 13 at the public library.           combined  experience
            Picture Frames.                    Tuesday, October 20 and Thursday,
                                               October 22 at 6 PM through Zoom for
            Tuesday, October 13: Fabric Scrap
                                               ages 14 years and up. Cost: $10.        Appointments Appreciated
                                                                                          Walk-Ins Welcome
            Tuesday, October 20: Painted Rocks
                                                                                      Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
            Tuesday, October 27: Ceramic Look                                         Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon
            Paper Mosaic
            events/ to enroll.

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