Page 28 - October 2020 Issue_Neat
P. 28

Federalsburg                  There will be many new exhibits and
                                               displays of Federalsburg memorabilia,
              Historical Society               including farming and rural life from the
                  Heritage Day                 past. Even if you’ve been to our Museum,
                                               it is finally a finished building and the

            This summer has been a busy one as we   displays are new and improved. Refresh-

            finished several construction projects in   ments will be offered. We hope you will

            the Museum, including the completion   plan to visit us soon. Regular open house
            of the Dr. William Davis Noble offi  ce.   hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 10
            This newest addition will be featured   am to 2 PM.
            during our Heritage Day event, sched-
                                               On Friday, November 6, beginning at
            uled for Saturday, October 17 from 10
                                               10:30 AM, we will hold a pit beef, pulled
            AM to 4 PM.
                                               pork and smoked turkey sandwich sale   four on Friday, October 23 at 6 PM at
            Several years ago, this residence, origi-  at the Museum. The meal is $9 for   historic Exeter. Tickets are $10 each.
            nally built on South Main Street during   sandwich, chips, pickles, brownies and   The winning ticket will be drawn during

            the early 1800’s and moved to 111 Maple   bottled water. For pre-orders, call Dicky   the Museum’s Heritage Day event on
            Avenue in the early 1900’s, was disman-  Wheatley at 443-786-1614.   October 17.
            tled and siding, beams, windows, stair-
            well, railing and more were recovered   The 1808 house at 408 Old Denton   For more information or to purchase
            and stored for use in our Museum. We   Road, known as Exeter and owned   tickets, call Debbie Riggin at 443-786-
            will feature a display of old doctor bags,   by the Federalsburg Historical Soci-  2972.
            tools, photographs and an old doctor’s   ety, will be open for tours on Saturday,
            carriage used locally before automobiles   October 17 from 10 AM to 2 PM. We
            were in use.                       are also raffling chances for a catered
                                               surf and turf Candlelight Dinner for

                                              Saturday, December 5  •  10 a.m. - 5 p.m

                                 Our FARM STORE is a great place to
                                shop for everyone on your Christmas list!

                           A COMPLETE LINE OF ALPACA PRODUCTS

                                  fleece   •   fiber   •   yarn   •   gloves  hats
                               scarves   •   coats  •  jackets   •   toys & more
                                                                                 Farm Store Open Year-Round
                                 HYPO-ALLERGENIC  / STAIN RESISTANT

                       The Farm Store is open on a modified basis. Please call for appointment.

                  Outstanding Dreams Farm

              24480 Pinetown Rd. Preston, MD
                   (off Rt. 16 near Harmony)
                                                   410-673-2002     410-829-4492     410-829-2012

                  Farm Tours &               We are still doing tours and accepting visitors to see our alpacas on a
               Visitors Welcome!             modified basis  by appointment only. Contact us to arrange your tour!

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