Page 25 - October 2020 Issue_Neat
P. 25
DONNA DIGIACOMO (District 1) and
for Board of Education in Caroline County
The education of our future for us. Morale is an issue at this staff members personally. As Board
generations is of the utmost time. Teachers are retiring and Members, we will be mindful of the
importance in the world today. leaving Caroline County in larger fact that we work for you and the
numbers than usual. We need to students. As such, there needs to
Donna DiGiacomo and Paul work on teacher retention. There be open and honest communication
Schoonover, both former teachers
is a teacher shortage across the at all levels.
in the Caroline County Public country right now. We need to treat
School system, feel strongly about Educational Philosophy - What is
our teachers with respect. We need
our children and want to positively to make them a valuable part of the best for our students? What is best
infl uence the current educational educational process. We need to for our students? What is best for
system to produce productive our students? Education is very fl uid
let our teachers know that they are
citizens of the future. As former appreciated and that we want them and constantly changing, but in the
teachers we have a front seat view end, it should always come down
to stay here in Caroline County.
of education today. With that view Students also need to feel valued to that simple question - what is
and our experience, we plan to take and safe. These are just a few of best for the students? Teaching and
a grassroots approach to education learning should take precedence
the environmental issues we will
where all shareholders WORK address as Board Members. over testing. ONE SIZE DOES
TOGETHER. Students, teachers, NOT FIT ALL. We need to bring
parents, administrators, and the Communication: disseminating back the focus on diff erentiation
community WORK TOGETHER. We information and truly listening. and teacher autonomy. Discipline
need to lead by example. We need We strongly believe that there issues need to be addressed and
to teach and reach our students needs to be more transparency dealt with. Bullying should be
through our actions, not just our between the board and the public. taken seriously. No student or staff
words. How do we plan to do this? All questions should be addressed member should ever feel unsafe or
Through a three prong approach: and answered in a timely manner. afraid of speaking out. We need to
environment, communication and Board meetings need to be more teach our students how to “agree
educational philosophy. accessible to the public. We need to to disagree.” Life is about respect,
look into continuing live streaming not simply tolerance. We need to
Environment: physical and board meetings and holding be more proactive as opposed
sychological. Hopefully schools them in venues large enough to to reactive. We need to all WORK
were thoroughly cleaned to help
accommodate the large number of TOGETHER. Again, what is BEST
contain the Corona Virus. All participants when we are able to FOR OUR STUDENTS?
buildings should always be clean
go back to in-person meetings. As
and healthy for students and Board Members, we will make it a If you have any questions, please
staff at all times, and it is even priority to visit every school at least feel free to contact Donna at
more important during these or Paul
once a month to see what is going
unprecedented times. Healthy on and to talk to the students and at
building will always be a top priority
Vote for the FACTS:
Fairness • Accountability • Civility • Transparency • Safety
for Caroline County Board of Education
Authorized by Paul Schoonover for BOE, Katherine Schoonover, treasurer.