Page 26 - October 2020 Issue_Neat
P. 26

Accepting COVID-19                 continue to struggle. Most of these
                                               businesses are facing the same set of
                Small Business                 challenges: loss of productivity because
              Emergency Relief                 of worker quarantining and self-
                                               isolation, lower than expected revenue,
             Grant Applications                and additional expenses for personal

                                               protective equipment. The outlook for
               By Debbie Bowden, Director,     the remainder of 2020 and into 2021
                 Caroline County Economic      is cloudy for many of these business
                      Development              owners.

            C a r o line C o un ty E c o n o m ic   Through a $2.2 million federal CARES

            Development is accepting applications   grant, the County can offer some relief to
            through November 30, 2020. Grant   businesses by reimbursing for expenses

            assistance is available for small businesses   to help offset cash flow concerns. Th e   and June. In August, Caroline County
            that experienced economic injury and   grant is not available for future expenses,   Economic Development surveyed fi rst
            disrupted operations due to COVID-19.   and it will not pay for expenses that   round grant recipients, large employers,
            The grant reimburses eligible expenses   were reimbursed by other federal   economic development advisory board

            for County-headquartered businesses   programs, such as the Small Business   members, and several other businesses.
            that prove financial stress due to   Administration’s Payroll Protection   Most respondents said that operations
            COVID-19.                          Program (PPP).                    were still below “normal” levels, and that
                                                                                 they are “ok” at the moment, but that

            The COVID-19 response continues    In the first two rounds of grant awards,   any change in status would be harmful.
            to impact the small business owners   over $967,000 was awarded to small   Nearly all the respondents reported that
            and employees. While some sectors of   businesses. The need for those grant   they had not had layoffs in the summer

            the economy have seen improvement,   funds was evident as businesses came out   and that they were at full staffi  ng levels.
            some community-based businesses    of the initial COVID-19 response in May

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