Page 7 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 7
Don’t have a paddleboard? You can rent to set up an
one from Easton Cycle and Sport, they appointment to learn how we can
deliver and have everything you need support your local business!
for a wickedly good time! Once you
Mactoberfest 2023 is set for October
have paddled and visited the artisan
28 from 11 AM - 3 PM on W. Belle
market, take a walk up into town and Street in Ridgely!
Your Chamber explore all Denton has to off er. Plein We are celebrating five years of cheddar
Air artists will be set up and you can
at Work sip and shop along the way. End your goodness and can’t wait to see who
evening with Dinner at Sunset. takes the “Big Cheese” title and $1,000
by Tracey Snyder, in cash for 2023! Chefs Tahya Jones,
Executive Director of Caroline For more information visit our website Jameyra Finney, Philip Wright, the Ridgely Ice Cream Parlor and Cafe,
County Chamber of Commerce
returning “Big Cheese 2022” Smokin
Please welcome the following new
Hello Caroline County Chamber members: Move4Life Fund Inc. NPO, on the Shore, Juniors Famous Jerk
Members & Friends! What a fun Critical Repairs Caroline County, Chicken and Ribs, The Red Shef, Th e
summer it has been! Onxy Vista, A Safe Harbor Home Care, Chesapeake Culinary and Th at Kitchen
are in it to win this competition! With
Choptank Closets and Big Bass USA-
We cut the ribbon at the opening of all that mac and cheese, it is sure to be a
who also is a new Bronze partner!
the Caroline /Dorchester County Fair ghouda time! Tickets are $10 per adult,
on Chamber Night! Both Chambers We look forward to working with $5 per child and back again this year
sponsored the evening, so it was free each and every one of them! If you VIP is $50! You can find all the details
to attend, and Nagel topped it off with are a business and not a member of on our Facebook page or website!
free ice cream! the Caroline County Chamber of
Commerce... what are you waiting
We hosted our quarterly Women in
for? Email Tracey Snyder at tracey@
Business Lunch & Learn featuring
Stacia Skinner, President of Creative
Training Solutions who gave us 10 Tips
to Grow Your Business! We appreciate
her time and hope to work with her WEEKLY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION
again in the future!
We are gearing up for our next Artisans
on the Choptank on September 16 at MONDAYS at 5:30 PM
the Wharves Visitors Center. We are
working with the Caroline County
Council of Arts to bring you Explore Consignments are accepted every Saturday and Sunday
Denton! The Artisans on the Choptank
will have 25 artisans, musician Mitch
Pugh, Chef Tahya Jones cooking up
a delicious menu and Delmarva Craft
will be serving up some local craft beer Beginning 9/11
and wine. To make it even more fun,
we will host our first ever Witches on MONDAY NIGHTS @ 6:30 PM
the Water Fundraiser at the same time ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS
as the market! This fundraiser benefi ts MONDAYS 11 AM TO 4 PM
Aaron’s Place and the Caroline County We have the right to accept and
Chamber of Commerce’s Scholarship refuse consignment
Fund! You and your friends can
Visit us on Facebook
participate by registering, dressing up
for more info.
like a witch and then paddling for a
cause! Call Jamie Yeager
at 410-829-9612
We will award prizes for the top three with any questions.
witch costumes!
312 Railroad Ave.,
Goldsboro, MD