Page 8 - September 2023 Issue.indd
P. 8

The Rate of Change                possible is the best defense against change upending your

                                                                business.  The term we hear used to describe this planning for
                                     in Business                the inevitable that may never happen is “resilience.” One part of
                                                                being resilient means understanding that change could happen
                                 By Debbie Bowden, Director,    and having plans in place to survive the change or mitigate
                                  Caroline County Economic      the outcome of that change. Resiliency in business calls for
                                   Development and Tourism      imagining worse case scenarios (key member no longer on
                                                                the team or a storm causes structural damage) and putting
                                                                into place plans to allow the business to continue to operate
                                                                with the change (having a succession plan for key members or

            The old axiom – “the only thing that is certain in life is change”
                                                                having a solid building insurance policy in place).
            – seems to have never been truer than in 2023. Th e shift ing
            economy, new workforce expectations, personnel changes,   Today, when we say, “things aren’t the way they used to be,” we
            price changes, shipping changes – it all makes operating a   could be talking about changes that happened in the course of
            business challenging to say the least.              a month or even a day. Change is inevitable – what makes us
                                                                successful as business leaders – as human beings – is how we
            The real issue seems to be the rate of change. Our world ebbs

                                                                deal with that change through resiliency.

            and flows at a much faster pace than it used to, and planning
            in business must take that into account. Think about trying to   FYI - Please take the Comprehensive Plan survey - look for the

            fill a position – you advertise it, receive resumes, do interviews,   QR code in an ad in this publication.

            and find the candidate. There is a greater risk that months or

                                                                Caroline County Economic Development and Tourism is an offi  ce
            even weeks later, that perfect candidate is going to make a
                                                                within Caroline County government. For updates on any future
            change and look for another position. As a business owner, it
                                                                business support, please visit, sign up for our
            is all-consuming to manage that type of change.
                                                                newsletter, and follow Caroline County Economic Development
            Change can happen in an instant, or it can come slow and   on Facebook.
            methodical. Being prepared for as many contingencies as
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