P. 198
Also, parents should understand that if you lose your cool and hit your child because he
is unmanageable or out of control, it is still against the law.
And understand that you will be blamed for your child’s bad behavior even if your child
has a history of violence and you only crossed the line once.
It may not seem fair, but that’s the way it is and parents need to understand that.
Unfortunately, violence in the home is an all too common problem.
I am against those who are violent and blame their parents. I am I believe an example
for this, I hate violence and even now at this age when I waytch a movie and some
violence takes place against women I ca not watch it.
If I am out somewhere and witness violence I am so upset I have to go or take action.
Men who beat women are cowards useless insecure monsters scums parasites to the
extreme point they do not deserve life.
We are who we are or I am who I am because of the choices I have made . I can’t blame
anyone of who I am or what I become. I have choices it’s my responsibility to make a
choice and follow it.
Many mistakes I have made some with out thinking about the triple effects and others
by not really care. I can not blame anyone about my actions. Those who know who I am
and respect me they stay friends those who do not and they judge me let them do so
they will be judged one day
My Sister
No matter what I am going to tell you about my sister it is not good enough to describe
her I need million pages , for me if there is a God I can tell you that is my sister. The
energy the power the will that woman had it’s rare.
What has she been through as a child only she knows but I can tell you what I know of
her. I had the privilege to be her brother and share my life with my sister. I have to stop
because I am crying thinking of her.