P. 202
I did however I miss one word the word was “and” she make me read again and again
till midnight until I got it right.
Years after when I ask her why she was cruel to me and why she doesn’t do the same
with her children.
She look at me and said ‘I didn’t want you to end up like me or your brother I wanted
you to be someone special and to leave from the house and not to live with violent
father” I am still crying every time I remember her because from the start this happen.
My mother went twice for abortion when she was pregnant with me but twice the doctor
told her if she goes ahead with the abortion she will be a murderer my mother said to
him the only reason is she can not afford another child.
She already had two and they are starving to death. The doctor again call her a
murderer so she went ahead and gave a birth to me.
However at the birth I was black my sister was very specific she said black as real black
so my father refuse I was his child and blame my mother having sex with someone else.
He reject me as a child and start calling my mother a slut and a whore he could not
believe she had sex with another man so he start the alcohol and became alcoholic and
beating up my mother every day.
The family torn apart and my mother been in love with my father also reject me and my
sister end up been my mother.
So much so that at the age of seven years old I ask my mother who was my real mother
because I had no doubt at all that my sister was my real mother but because at her age
they cover the truth by saying that my mother was the real mother .
I do recall my sister laughing and saying “ Your fantasy runs ahead of you what clever
boy you are” But I was 100% my sister was my real mother.