Page 2 - Professional Portfolio RCC_Neat
P. 2


               Thank you for selecting me as a candidate. I look forward to presenting myself and

               my credentials to you. I am extremely excited and grateful for the opportunity to
               share my vision for the Head Golf Professional at Rumson Country Club. Although
               every club is different, there are many key factors that resonate through each.

               Among them are:

                   ●  Golf Operations and Management

                   ●  Tournament Administration
                   ●  Merchandising & Member Services
                   ●  Junior Golf Instruction

               In the following pages you will notice a common theme, “Professionalism.” I

               strive to represent myself and my club in the best manner possible, and expect that
               from everyone on my staff. Attention to details, acting with integrity, and
               anticipating the needs of the membership are the cornerstone values of a superior
               golf operation.

               Thank you for your time and consideration.

               Michael P. Castrilli
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