Page 5 - Professional Portfolio RCC_Neat
P. 5
Created and managed a Golf Operation Budget that exceeds $350,000.
Owned and operated a Golf Shop that grossed over $200,000 in sales. In 2018 sales were
under $100,000.
Created a new and exciting junior golf program that consisted of weekly clinics. These
would see over 15 juniors participate each week.
Scheduled and conducted all weekly staff meetings to assure that all members of the staff
were informed and up-to-date with all events taking place that upcoming week.
Attended regular meetings with both the Golf Committee and Greens Committee.
Communicated on a daily basis with the Super Intendant to make sure we were both up to
date on all things golf.
Kept an open line of communication with both the General Manager and the Assistant
General Manager to assure that we are providing the best overall experience to our
members and guests.
March 2017 – Present
1st Assistant Golf Professional The Ridgewood Country Club, Paramus, NJ
The Ridgewood Country Club is an A.W. Tillinghast designed 27-hole private member owned club
with 650 members and plays approximately 31,000 rounds annually. Host of the 1935 Ryder Cup,
1974 U.S. Amateur, 1990 U.S. Senior Open, 2001 Senior PGA Championship, the 2008, 2010, 2014
Barclays, 2016 USGA U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship and the 2018 Northern Trust.
● Manage and schedule a staff consisting of over 20 employees who include 5 PGA Assistant
Professionals, 3 PGM Interns, a Golf Shop Merchandiser, Caddies and outside staff.
● Oversee a golf operation of over 650 members that utilizes a “no tee-time” policy
● Created all event schedules. Budget reports as well as managed the Club website
● Responsible for a Golf Operation Budget that exceeds $800,000. This budget includes all golf staff,
locker room staff and outside staff activity.
● Managed all the day to day operations of a privately owned golf shop which exceeds sales of over
$1,400,000 annually. This includes accounts payable, receivable and inventory control.
● Scheduled and conducted all weekly staff meetings to assure that all members of the staff were
informed and up-to-date with all events taking place that upcoming week.
● Participate in daily activities of the golf shop including the selection of merchandise, hard goods, and
Point Of Sale procedures. Utilize merchandising promotions to create new ways to drive business
and increase revenues in the golf shop
● Provided over $10,000 in lessons to members and guests of all golfing abilities. This included both
private and group instruction.
● Responsible for the filming and club distribution of the golf shop “Tip of the Week.” This tip was
sent home once a week to the membership.
● Supervise and oversee a junior golf program that consisted of over 200 juniors.
● Manage, organize and run the entire Ridgewood Men’s Golf Program which consists of over 50
member & member-guest events.
● Assist in the managing of the 9 & 18 Holer golf program which consists of over 180 women.
● Coordinated and executed 12-16 large corporate outings, creating a one-of-a-kind experience focused
on building relationships to insure retention, future revenue streams, and total satisfaction.