Page 2 - Relocation Magazine w Table of contents
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Growing up a "Military Brat", we SERVICES/AREAS OF EXPERTISE
moved every 2-3 years. By the time • Relocation into or out of the
I was 18, I had lived in 9 different Treasure Valley
states and 11 different homes.
The term HOME had an entirely • First time home buyers
different meaning to me until I • Selling a home/property
made Idaho, MY HOME. In the past • Buying a home/property
twenty plus years I have learned
to ski, been whitewater rafting, • Building/new Construction
hiked waterfalls, been spelunking (I'm here throughout each
in lava caves, sat in natural step of the process, even
hot springs in a river, trying to when you can't be)
experience everything Idaho has to • Consulting on options
offer and still have only touched a to avoid a short-sale or
small portion of the hidden gems foreclosure
throughout the state. I love sharing
Helen Carnie my experiences and surrounding PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS &
myself and my family with a
Residential Relocation Specialists community of people who share • national Association of
208.462.0552 • Boise Regional REALTORS®
That love coupled with my
MOBILE PHONE experience relocating every few • Intermountain Multiple
208.440.3752 years is exactly why I take the Listing Service
time to get to know each person • Circle of Excellence
OFFICE I work with. Buying a home is
1101 River St. Ste. 340 not just about finding a house, • Military Relocation
Boise, Idaho 83702 it is about finding the home Professional Certification
that compliments your lifestyle
EMAIL and connecting you with a EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND & community of people to share AREAS OF STUDY
that lifestyle with. • B.A. Multidisciplinary
WEBSITE Studies, Boise State As wonderful as that all sounds, University
let's be honest, relocating isn't • Business Communication
all sunshine and rainbows, it can
be stressful and overwhelming, • Professional Selling
at least it was for me growing • Marketing Strategy &
up, but it didn't have to be. My Customer Behavior
Each Office Is Independentl
Owned and Operated. experience is the foundation of • Innovation & Teamwork
my goal, to make the process (innovative solutions for
as smooth and enjoyable as complex problems)
possible, whatever it takes. It is my
personal commitment to create FUN FACT ABOUT ME:
a partnership that will continue I got to spend an afternoon with
long after closing even if it's for Pat Morita (aka Mr. Miyagi from
recommendations for dinner or The Karate Kid) in Junior High
something to do for the weekend. School when I lived in Hawaii.