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           5.  SAFE                                                8.  HIGHER EDUCATION
               Idaho has the third-lowest crime rate in                 Idaho boasts several top-ranking colleges
               the nation, according to a 2021 report.                  and universities that compete at the
               Meridian, Middleton, and Emmett are                      highest levels in their dedicated fields of
               among the top ten safest cities in Idaho                 study. In Idaho, you get the best of looks
               for 2020.                                                and brains.

           6.  THE GREAT OUTDOORS                                  9.  SUMMER LIFE

               Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking,                       Farmers markets, outdoor music festivals,
               mountain biking, river rafting, hot                      First Thursday, river floating, camping –
               springs, skiing, golfing, off-roading, and               There is so much to do during summer in
               much more – all within minutes to a                      Idaho that it stays light until after 10 pm!
               couple of hours away.
                                                                   10. WINTER SPORTS
           7.  ARTS AND CULTURE                                         Skiing in Idaho is among the best in the

               Boise has first-class shopping, theatre,                 country.  The breathtaking scenery is
               live music, sporting events, dining,                     the perfect complement to its 18 resorts
               microbrew beer, wine tasting, and more                   with 28,000 vertical feet of terrain on
               for those that prefer not to get dirt under              over 18,000 acres of spectacular snow-
               their fingernails.                                       soaked mountains.

                                      2021 Boise & Treasure Valley Lifestyle Relocation Magazine                     5
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